Fic open challenge - Taken from the People's Palace

Oct 30, 2012 07:05

Do you remember that scene in ‘Walter’?

No, not that one, the one where the people have invaded the palace and are helping themselves to anything and everything.

Yes that’s the scene.

Have you ever wondered what happened to all those items? All the furniture, tapestries, bedding, cutlery, candlesticks, ornaments, clothing, food, wine, books, jewellery, gold, everything that was in the People’s Palace, where did it go, who took it, where is it now? WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THAT STUFF?

Your challenge is to write a story about one of the items taken from the People’s Palace. It can be as long or as short a fic as you like, but tell the story of that item, who took it, the journey of that item, who did it belong to, how did affect the person who took it/ended up with it, where is it now? There are no limits on what you can write about, anyone could have taken the item, anyone can have it now. Was the item cursed? Is the original owner trying to get it back? Has it given the new owner grief or joy? This can also cross genres, what happens when Hermione finds a journey book in the Hogwarts library, or an item appears in Warehouse 13? The possibilities are endless, feel free to use any of these ideas, or any you have, as I said the only restriction is it needs to be about the item. You cannot write a story about Richard and Kahlan and ‘oh by the way Richard sat on a chair from, the Peoples Palace‘ but, if they were arguing about a chair they had been given which came from the People’s Palace that would fit the criteria.

The only other this I would ask is that just to help identify it that all fiction is listed as:

Taken from the People’s Palace - (insert the title of your story)

Sorry there are no prizes, although if anyone wants, I could do some banners. There is no time limit, so have fun with it I have included a couple of my own fics as examples below.

user: kaytstarr, !challenges

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