Three completed fics

May 31, 2012 16:54

Title: Not Very Legendary
Author: meridian-rose
Pairing/Characters: Richard
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 110
Prompt: For the drabble challenge prompt 'legendary'
Summary: Richard gives an interview to a storyteller who finds herself a little disillusioned.
Warnings: None

LJ // A03 // // DW

Title: Flawed
Author: meridian-rose
Pairing/Characters: Giller
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 137
Prompt: For the writerverse prompt 'curiosity'
Summary: Giller was extraordinary, with one exception
Warnings: None

LJ //A03 // // DW

Title: The Journal
Author: meridian-rose
Pairing/Characters: Zedd, Cara, Kahlan, Richard, mentions of Tarralyn and past Zedd/Erilyn
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 929
Prompt: For the legendland picture prompt challenge
Summary: Cara is suspicious when a girl gives Zedd a book but has to wait until he is ready to reveal its contents. Post-series.
Warnings: None

DW // A03 // // LJ

characters: richard, characters: giller, rating: pg-13, characters: zedd, user: meridian_rose, genre: humor, genre: angst, genre: gen, characters: cara, genre: drama, characters: kahlan, genre: family

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