Fic: Mord'Sith Don't Read (But They Do Role-play) 1/1

Apr 27, 2012 19:32

Title: Mord'Sith Don't Read (But They Do Role-play)
Author: meridian-rose
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing/Characters: Cara/Zedd, Richard
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 750
Prompt: For the For the writerverse prompts 'library', 'horror' and 'romance genre'
Summary: Libraries are boring. Romance stories are boring. Unless there's a kickass heroine and some magic involved, in which case Cara might have to reconsider her opinions.
Warnings: None
LJ // A03 // // DW

characters: richard, genre: romance, characters: zedd, pairings: zedd/cara, genre: humor, user: meridian_rose, characters: cara, genre: het, genre: crack

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