Title: Wedding's Eve - The Bridge of Time
Word count: 820~ (fic only)
Warning: None
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Darken/Kahlan
Spoilers: Up though the beginning of Reckoning
Inspired by: If I could be where You are by Enya
Summary: On the eve of her wedding to Darken Rahl, Kahlan ponders the loss of Richard and the bleak prospect that lies before her.
Read The Bridge of Time
Title: Wedding Eve - Love's Fool
Length: 890~ (fic only)
Rating: PG - 13
Warning: None
Pairing: Darken/Kahlan
Inspired by: Love changes Everything by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Spoilers: Up through the beginning of Reckoning
Summary: Before his wedding to Kahlan, Darken reflects on how his victory has rung hollow, and how he has changed.
Read Love's Fool