Fics: Wedding Eve companion pieces - Darken/Kahlan

Mar 17, 2012 13:07

Title: Wedding's Eve - The Bridge of Time
Word count: 820~ (fic only)
Warning: None
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Darken/Kahlan
Spoilers: Up though the beginning of Reckoning
Inspired by: If I could be where You are by Enya
Summary: On the eve of her wedding to Darken Rahl, Kahlan ponders the loss of Richard and the bleak prospect that lies before her.

Read The Bridge of Time HERE at LJ

Title: Wedding Eve - Love's Fool
Length: 890~ (fic only)
Rating: PG - 13
Warning: None
Pairing: Darken/Kahlan
Inspired by: Love changes Everything by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Spoilers: Up through the beginning of Reckoning
Summary: Before his wedding to Kahlan, Darken reflects on how his victory has rung hollow, and how he has changed.

Read Love's Fool HERE at LJ

characters: darken rahl, genre: angst, pairings: darken rahl/kahlan, rating: pg-13, genre: het, characters: kahlan, user: brontefanatic

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