Title: Zedd Zorander, Private Incantor
pristineungiftRating: PG-13
Pairing: Zedd/Salindra
Wordcount: Appx. 2k.
Warnings: Fic Noir; Indeterminate time period; Magic in a modern AU.
Summary: Written for the Three Elements Challenge on
legendland, where we had to choose an element from a list for the beginning, middle, and end of the fic. I chose mysterious death; fake item; rain. This fic is also inspired by
madmguillotine's AU Zeddlindra graphic
HERE. In a modern AU, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander is a wizard that knows how to find things. Salindra is a femme fatale who needs something found.
Note: This really could turn into a much longer fic, but I tried to keep it short due to time constraints. Maybe I'll do a longer treatment eventually, if there's interest.
He always was a sucker for a femme fatale... )