Title: It's Not Yule Without Some Excitement
meridian-rosePairing/Characters: Cara, Dahlia, Darken Rahl, Cara/Dahlia, Cara/Darken Rahl
Rating: PG-13; sex and violence but nothing you wouldn't see on the show
Word Count: Six drabbles totalling 1670 words approx
Prompt: For the
peoplespalace second annual Twelve prompts of Rahlmas
Summary: Six interconnected drabbles dealing with Dahlia's fear of reindeers, Darken's attempts to have a very merry Yuletide, and Cara's expertise in keeping everyone happy and through it alive.
Warnings: None
LJ //
A03 //
FF.net //
DW Title: After Winter, Spring
meridian-rosePairing/Characters: Jennsen
Rating: PG
Word Count: Three drabbles totalling 700 words approx
Prompt: For the
peoplespalace second annual Twelve prompts of Rahlmas
Summary: Three interconnected drabbles about Jennsen's midwinter celebrations away from her family but surrounded by new friends.
Warnings: None
LJ //
A03 //
FF.net //