Fic: The Bond of Family

Dec 05, 2011 16:47

Title: The Bond of Family
Author: meridian-rose
Pairing/Characters: Darken Rahl, Tarralyn Zorander with appearances/mentions of Shota, Zedd, Richard
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10739
Beta: dorothydeath who went over this several times with a fine toothcomb, and helped brainstorm some pertinent point plots. I can't thank her enough.
Prompt: Inspired by the discussion topic; What if Darken raised Richard?
Summary: Shota gives Darken the chance to spare Brenndion by leading him directly to Tarralyn Zorander before she can give birth to the Seeker. Initially, Darken intends to kill the child the moment it is born.
Warnings: None
Notes: Author's notes are at the end of the fic

Read it at: LJ // A03 // // DW

genre: au, characters: taralyn zorander, characters: zedd, characters: darken rahl, user: meridian_rose, genre: gen, genre: drama, characters: shota, genre: family

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