Title: Faith Will Be My Armor
Characters: Darken, Nila Rahl (Darken's mother), Panis Rahl, mentioned Creator and Keeper
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~1100
Spoilers: Vengeance
Summary: Darken's parents are both in the Underworld. Some reunions go better than others.
Note: My answer to
brontefanatic's question about what Darken's mother might have been thinking during the meeting between Darken and Panis at the end of Vengeance.
Title: Cara the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Cara, Richard, Kahlan, Zedd, Darken, Leo, Demmin Nass, mentioned Dahlia and the Keeper
Length: ~2700
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer LotS AU: The Keeper plots to destroy the world, and it's another night in Stowcroft for Cara. Written for Lots Monster Mash. Any dialogue you recognize is from BtVS.
Title: Witch
Characters: Richard, Kahlan, Cara, Zedd
Length: ~500
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Written for the
legendland Scare Me Silly challenge. RKCZ are telling stories by the fire, and Richard's story may be a little too much for Kahlan.
Title: The D'Haran-Midlands Alliance
Characters/pairings: Darken Rahl, Cara Mason, Kahlan Amnell
Rating: PG-13
Length: 300
Summary: Written for
legendland, for the Alternate Universe challenge. The Lord of D'Hara and the Mother Confessor sign a treaty.
Title: White Wedding
Pairing: Darken/Kahlan
Length: ~500
Rating: PG-13
Summary: During Reckoning, it's Kahlan's wedding night, and as if that weren't bad enough, Darken Rahl is deliberately provoking her.
Title: Truth Will Out
Characters/Pairing: Richard/Kahlan, Zedd, referenced Denna/Richard
Rating: PG-13
Length: 1893
Warning: referenced/implied rape
Summary: Written for
legendland: Powerful Magic leads to Team Awesome airing out their "dirty laundry," feelings are hurt and truths are discovered. Post-Bloodline, Zedd and Kahlan are angry with Richard about how badly he handled the power of Orden.