Two fics for legendland

Oct 14, 2011 16:03

Title: True Confessions
Characters/Pairings: Cara/Kahlan, Richard/Kahlan, Shota, Zedd
Length: ~500
Spoilers: post-Desecrated
Summary: written for legendland's 24 hours challenge. Kahlan gets a day to do or say anything, and no one will remember afterwards. As it happens, there is something she's been meaning to say to Cara...

Kahlan has never been so bad with words in her life.

Title: Innocence
Characters: Kahlan, Nicci, Cara, Richard, Zedd
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Bound
Length: 800
Summary: written for the legendland Inner Child challenge (RKCZ or other Midlands characters are magically transformed into children 13 or under). At the end of Bound, Zedd breaks the Maternity Spell, but it has a rather unexpected side effect.

Every time Kahlan met Nicci's eyes, she was convinced the sorceress was laughing at her.

genre: au, pairings: richard/kahlan, rating: pg-13, characters: zedd, genre: angst, genre: gen, pairings: cara/kahlan, characters: kahlan, characters: nicci, characters: richard, user: hrhrionastar, genre: humor, genre: femslash, characters: cara, characters: shota, genre: het

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