Anonymous Comment!Fic Meme: 1 Ship, 2 Ship, Rare!Ship, Wrong!Ship

Jul 07, 2011 17:10

I've been fascinated by and enjoying looking at all the secrets being posted on seekersecret , and it struck me that a lot of the secrets are about shipping pairings that people don't want to admit to in the light of day, but would really like to see some fic for. So, based on seriousfic 's comment!fic meme of last year, I give you:

The Anonymous Comment!Fic Meme: 1 Ship, 2 Ship, Rare!Ship, Wrong!Ship
I have set my journal to allow anonymous comments, and not to log IP addresses. So if you are embarrassed, or don't want anyone to know who you are, you can just comment anonymously with no one the wiser.

What's a comment!fic meme? How do they work? It's really easy!

What to do... )

No deadlines, no word limits, just some good dirty, wrong, rare fun. ^_^ Let's get anonymous!

HERE @ pristineungift 

!pimp post, !ficathons, !prompts, user: pristineungift

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