Taste of Traitor on Her Tongue (Longshot, Darken/Denna, Denna/Constance)

Jun 18, 2011 19:13

This is for the winner of my prompt fic auction on helpthesouth . brontefanatic  generously donated $25 and gave me the prompt “Denna is caught and brought back to Darken after the events of Bloodline.”

Title: Taste of Traitor on Her Tongue
Author: pristineungift 
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Rating: T
Warnings: Fantasy violence; torture; sensuality
Summary: The definition of traitor depends on who you believe is king. Denna is caught, and Denna escapes, but she is not free. Darken/Denna, Darken/Cara, Denna/Constance, hints of Richard/Denna.

Did you think your king would not find you? )

genre: au, pairings: cara/darken rahl, characters: constance, rating: pg-13, genre: horror, genre: citrus, user: pristineungift, characters: denna, characters: darken rahl, pairings: constance/denna, genre: angst, genre: gen, !prompts, pairings: darken rahl/denna, characters: richard, genre: action/adventure, pairings: richard/denna, genre: hurt/comfort, rating: r, genre: femslash, characters: cara, genre: drama, genre: het

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