Title: Destiny Swap
Characters/Pairing: Richard/Cara, Richard/Kahlan, Darken/Cara, Darken/Kahlan, Richard/Jennsen/Denna, Zedd/Panis Rahl, Zedd/Shota, Panis Rahl/Taralyn Zorander, also Darken's mother, Verna, the Prelate, Dennee, and baby!Darken
Rating: R
Warning: torture, character death, incest, violence...
Length: 22569
Spoilers: everything, to be safe
Summary: Written for a
peoplespalace discussion: What if, in Reckoning, Richard and Cara ended up in the past, instead of the future? Can they get back to Kahlan, Zedd and Darken without changing their own past? Or is this the perfect opportunity to rid the world of an evil tyrant forever?
Chapter 1: Ancient History/
Chapter 2: There But For the Grace of God.../
Chapter 3: Seeker of Truth/
Chapter 4: New Beginnings