"normal is a button that you press on your blowdryer"

Jun 29, 2005 21:01

WOW, the past 3 days i have been staying over at my drummers house(nathan), and it has been helping me to keep jaki and alot of other bullshit goin' on off my mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to keep jaki off my mind...shes always on my mind, its just i'm really sad right now, and the last thing i need is depression. Ever since my mom sent me to a hospital for a week to crazy with CRAZY-ASS people, just because i told her that i had been depressed for the past 2 years. I HATE DEPRESSION!! Before today, i had been up for 3 ,almost 4 days straight, and its becasue i kept poppin' aderol to stay awake....

...Yea, today sucked! I didn't go to bed last night so i was up, but i didnt do a damn thing today but play guitar for hours straight. Josh was suppost to come over and we were gonna pratice and then go record the guitar parts for our demo. but he fell back asleep after i called him, and then i eventually got sooo bored , i finally passed the fuck out on my bed. We are doing really good actually, but we are still on the search for a fuckin' bassist, so if anyone plays bass and wants to be in a metalcore/southernrock/hardcore band give me a call at 681-6850. well me, josh, danny, and nathan praticed a little bit but we have just started this band... danny and nate still have to make up drums and vocals to mine and joshes stuff we made...but they are in the process of doing that right now. We cant come up with a name, but i think we may have rounded it off to 2 names. I really don't care what our name is personally, but we got to have one. I came up with "A Pornstar Tragedy" , and everyone i have asked about it has liked it except for josh and danny, and then josh came up with "This Summer's Murder" and i like that but i dont think nate or danny will. 0-well, we will come up with sumfing, besides, thats the last thing we really need to worry about right now... I'AM GOING TO SEE BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME IN LIKE 2 OR 3 WEEKS. I cant wait to go cause btbam is my favorite band. We are going to georgia to see them and alot of other really good bands that are gonna be there! but the biggest thing on my mind right now, is jaki. I miss her so much, and i'm not gonna be able to see her for awhile enless i do some sneakin around. I'm really worried about her, i really wish she'd call me cause i cant call her entill skool starts back...i think. i hope thats long as her mom is gonna keep her away from everything
.... <333 i love you,baby <333...

... I GET MY FUCKIN' LICENSE IN EXACTUALLY 35 days. i cant wait. I really need to get another job too. oh, and zac, when u read this, call me! i called u on raymonds cell earlier when i got your message, but it went straight to the damn answering machine...

...JAKI, if you read this, i just want you to know that I love you, and i miss you to death. I really wanna see you, but I will WAIT AS LONG AS IT TAKES for your mom to get over this and not hate my guts anymore. PLEASE CALL ME, It would be really nice to hear your voice, plus, I got ALOTAA stuff to tell you...

...Wellll,I'm gonna go blaze up!...
*-Justin (A.K.A. Shotgun)
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