These were all made for a
legendland challenge, but are available via my journal which has been fake!cut-to below. Because we're only allowed to post three icon teasers at a time, I've chosen three out of the 100-something I have, the rest are linked separately according to the episode/post they're in. Another 100-something will be posted shortly.
28 Richard/Kahlan general icons:
here.10 Richard/Kahlan 'Prophecy/Destiny' icons:
here.21 Richard/Kahlan 'Bounty' icons:
here.30 Richard/Kahlan 'Brennidon' icons:
here.34 Richard/Kahlan 'Listener' icons:
here.11 Richard/Kahlan 'Elixir' icons:
here. Random special: 7 Clara; Zedd's mistreated chicken, icons: