Mord-Sith: Lord Rahl's sex metal Barbies

Dec 05, 2014 19:28

Vidder: Gabrielle Katina (me)
Pairing: Cara/Dahlia, implicit Cara/Kahlan
Rating: R
Summary: It is a Mord-Sith video. A silly Mord-Sith video about the many rumors around them and how they are misunderstood by the rest of the world. *sighs* ...At least it was supposed to be. But I feel like something went wrong, though I don't know what lol
Notes: Appears impossible to me listening to this song and not thinking about Mord-Sith. The lyrics? Hate, pain, darkness... All about them. But I always got so lazy to vid it. Then hopkinsowns's video for Adrenalize inspired me. In This Moment is totally the band theming Mord-Sith. In almost every song they have this powerful and aggressive sound, hateful and dark lyrics, and Maria Brink's melancholic voice that somehow seems to hold a threatening tone underneath (am I insane?). Totally BAMS.
Song: Sex Metal Barbie, by In This Moment.

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video: cara/denna, user: naschpitz, video: cara/kahlan, video: cara/dahlia, video: denna, video: cara

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