Broken Chains 22 - the end...

Aug 26, 2012 14:21

Author: chickinwhite
Pairing: Kahlan/Cara
Rating: PG 17
Word account: ~9000
Summary: This adventure starts a good time after tears. It is about old scars and new bonds,  about friends and foes, about confidence and betraying,   
Disclaimer: Nothing of LotS belongs to me (such a pity!) - no business, just fan-fun
Warning: I can only repeat what I said last time : 
You know me, but I need to remind you: I love my angsty angst!! ... Oh, and - character´s death...


This is the third and last part of the finale. I finally wrapped things up, - and just hope, the ending fits after all... ;)
I´ll put my many thank yous to the end, in order to not restrain you now from reading...
So, fasten seat belt and be prepared...

Welcome to “The Long Broken Chains Weekend!

Pa rt 1;     Part 2;      Part 3     Part 4      Part 5    Part 6    Part 7   part 8    part 9      part 10     part 11     part 12   part 13    part 14    part 15    part 16      part 17   part18     part 19      part 20      part 21 let´s break the chains...

fanfiction: cara/kahlan, user: chickinwhite

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