Title: Asit Tal-Eb (
thedawnPairing: Cara/Dahlia
Rating: R
Warnings: Reference to rape/forced breeding, “underage” sexytimes (non-explicit, and they’re considered “of age” in their culture)
Word Count: 13,548
Disclaimer: Neither Legend of the Seeker or Dragon Age are mine, nor are any of the characters contained therein. Qunari language and culture are derived (hopefully as accurately as possible) from BioWare’s Dragon Age series, with the help of the Dragon Age Wiki. Opening excerpt is taken verbatim from the game.
Summary: The Qunari routinely conquer human lands, forcibly converting their inhabitants to the Qun in heavily guarded compounds. In one such place, two young human girls come to depend on one another for comfort and companionship. When their bond grows deeper than the Qun allows, it will prove dangerous for them both.
Author's Note: The
Dragon Age Wiki was an invaluable resource for Qunari
language and
culture. If you want to read more about it, or look up the meaning of the Qunlat words and phrases used in the story (I've tried to provide context clues, but in some places it just would have been clunky), check it out.
Part One Part Two