Insert profanity here

Apr 26, 2010 18:39

Ok, I hope I'm not ruining everyone's day (because mine is totally ruined)

It appears that LotS did not get picked up for a 3rd season.

I am ALL for some kind of letter writing/ pleading/threatening campaign (politely of course)

Damnit this IS THE ONLY SHOW I WATCH because of school.

EDIT: Petition here! I would just ask (though I know everyone will be) those who chose to send letters to ABC and Disney, please be polite!

FURTHER EDIT The petition thing may not be as effective as simply writing a letter. If I may suggest, here is just one possible form. Also, send a letter to your *local* affiliates (especially fox/newscorp owned ones) (Thank you for pointing that out!)

To Whom It May Concern:

Legend of the Seeker is one of the best shows on TV and this letter is to help bring attention to the fact that it needs a third season.

The show has a wonderful cast of very talented actors/actresses and an outstanding writing staff that bring this magical world to life, which is welcome alternative to all the "reality" TV fare that is constantly being force fed to the public on every station. It fills the genre niche that is very much lacking since shows like Hercules and Xena went off the air. The demographic this show draws is highly devoted and loyal, a factor that programming directors should take into consideration, as we realize that advertising sales drive the tv industry.

We are here and we are watching, please renew Legend of the Seeker for a third season!

Thank you for your time


Letters may be sent to the addresses below. I would put Legend of the Seeker as the addressee just so there is not confusion as to why we are writing!

Come on people! Its just a stamp and 5 minutes!

Legend of the Seeker
ABC Studios
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

Legend of the Seeker
Disney-ABC Domestic Television
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

save our seeker

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