EDIT: The poll is now closed. Since a good majority of people said they could make it, the first chat will be held Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 1pm PDT 4pm EDT 9pm GMT/BST. An updated post with rules and logon instructions will be posted about an hour prior to the chat, so keep an eye out for it.
Also, it's worth mentioning that this is just the time/day that seemed to make the most sense in order for the chat to be accessible to as many people as possible. We're definitely open to reconfiguring things for future chats, if there's enough demand for it. So if you can't make this one, don't lose all hope! :)
So, using the data from the
previous poll,
simplesetgo (formerly sos10) and I have devised something of a plan:
After much hunting, we found an awesome online chat service that won't require downloads or anything. If we get enough people saying they can make it, expect a post with links and logon instructions to magically appear here about an hour prior to chat time.
Chat will be moderated and semi-structured -
simplesetgo and I will pick out some topics beforehand, but we won't have a strict schedule for moving through them. If you have suggestions for potential topics, please feel free to leave them in the comments below!
Official chat will be 60 minutes long, with the option to hang out as long as you want afterward.
Chat will be open to everyone, but if you're on LiveJournal, it might be helpful to keep your username the same to minimize confusion.
Chat will be NSFW - swearing/adult conversations are permitted, but please keep in mind general rules of courtesy - i.e. no flaming people, don't start role-playing explicit Cara/Kahlan sexytimes during the chat.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to let us know in the comments below. Also, as stated above, if you have any suggestions for starting topics, go ahead and leave those too:)
Poll LotS_Femslash Chats, Take 2