Late Night Submission

Jun 02, 2011 03:12, that title sounds dirtier then it really is.

Well... actually no. Because this whole post is really kind of dirty.

Title: And Then What?
Rating: NC-17 (pwp definitely)
Pairing: Cara/Denna
Words: Around 2400
Summary: A short PWP with no point. Well... okay, maybe there's a point, but this is just what I had broiling in my head and I couldn't go to bed unless I wrote it.
Warning: ...there aren't any that I can think of right now. It's pretty raunchy and it migh- well... I'll leave that up to you to decide what to do after this fic.
A/N: Some of you may or may not remember me, but I tend to be an author that writes from the standpoint of the book. So don't get confused when I describe Denna with blue eyes and Auburn hair.

[And Then What?]

user: neutralhealer, fanfiction: cara/denna

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