Title: The Fools of April
Pairing : Cara/Kahlan.
Word count: 6,297 (give or take a few with tweaks).
Warnings/Rating: NC-17.
Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Disney and Terry Goodkind.
Author's notes: I know that some of you are like, "Hurry up and update Blue Paradise, before I no longer care." And I understand that, I do. It's been a long time. And I do feel that I can promise to never take so long with an update again. But I am still perfecting things regarding that story, and won't be satisfied until it's "perfect." This causes me to reanalyze aspects of the update as well. All I can say is that, "It's coming." But as for this story, I couldn't help writing a Legend of the Seeker April Fools tale. Sorry I'm late with this as well. I hope some of you at least enjoy this. The ending is a bit predictable to me (and a little reminiscent of The Panty Thief, just the ending, not the whole story), but that could not be helped, I feel. The setup also feels a bit disjointed from present day to me, but the setup is meant to show past instances, not stay there for long, so I suppose that couldn't be helped either.
Summary: (one-shot, takes place some time after Season 2) Kahlan invents April Fools' Day. Well...sort of. And every year afterward, she waits for this day to kiss Cara.
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Extra note: Recently tweaked/added a few things, and especially fixed typos. If this story turns out to be a bomb, I will likely remove it from my available stories. Not every story can be a hit or can be looked on fondly by readers, and I feel it's better to keep the unpopular stories away from my journal. I am fully ready to accept the reality of any bomb I may dish out.