For sofiemae

Feb 15, 2011 01:47

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Title: Of Confessions and Floatation Devices
Author: synergyfox
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Warning: A... uh... hmm... well... just read it...
Note: I was going for angst… but then crack happened.
Disclaimer: Do not own.

“That’s not very smart, Cara. One touch from me and you’ll be dead.” Kahlan sneered, spinning to kick the Mord’Sith in the face.

Cara ducked with both of her Agiels raised, making contact with the woman’s calf, “I didn’t come to Aydindril with Richard and your emotional self to have idle chat Mother Confessor.” She brought her Agiels forward smirking as they connected with one of Kahlan’s thighs.

Kahlan let out a grunt as her leg gave out from the sudden pain, sending her to the ground with a thud. Cara smirked as she stood fully, pressing her boot against the woman’s abdomen to hold her down.

“Mistress!” Cara’s hair whipped as her head snapped to the side, unable to do anything as the Confessed, more emotional Kahlan barreled into her. They both went crashing down the stairs and Cara grimaced when they came to a halt; Kahlan was straddling her in the end with her hands firmly around Cara’s neck, squeezing slowly.

“No! Stop him! Don’t worry about her you imbecile! She’s just a Mord’Sith!” The hands loosened on her neck and a strong hand replaced it; Cara squinted up into the eyes of the Mother Confessor, cringing as the ancient magic rolled off of her.

I hate it when she uses her power… her eyes are so beautiful. They’re so vivid and perfect… like her.

“Do you yield?” The Mother Confessor’s breath was cool in her ear as was the hand on her throat - so different from her emotional self.

Cara’s eyes bulged at the thought of yielding in anything, “have you gone mad? I am Mord’Sith, I yield to no one but my Lord Rahl and my Mistress. You are neither; I assume you see the issue here?”

The Mother Confessor’s jaw visibly tensed, “I do...” darkened eyes scanned Cara’s face, studying it.

“Hesitation will get you killed, Kahlan.” Cara’s voice was soft and rich with emotion she was not familiar with. “If it is guilt you are afraid you will feel put it aside. Confession at your hand is an honorable death.”

The hand tightened and eyes softened, “I do not fear confessing a Mord’Sith.”

“Don’t do it Kahlan!” The duty bound woman lifted her eyes momentarily to look at Richard as he was restrained by Prince Fyren and her other half. “She’s your friend, you’ll regret it!” Kahlan looked back down at Cara, her hand tightening even more.

Cara teeth began to grind - Kahlan was pissing her off with her hesitation, either she was going to kill her or let her live. It was a simple choice. “If you are going to confess me, get on with it! I may just fall asleep from sheer boredom.”

Her back arched off of the stone floor as the ancient magic surged through her body; a hiss escaped from her and she squirmed, trying to escape from the hand causing heat to course through her. “Kahlan…” she panted, sweat forming on her body - leathers becoming to constraining, suffocating her.

For the first time since she was taken to be trained as a Mord’Sith she felt terrified; Kahlan’s hand came up slowly, resting against Cara’s cheek - soothing away a little of the heat if only just a little bit. “You should not have goaded me.” Kahlan whispered, actually managing to look a bit saddened.

Cara continued to squirm on the ground under Kahlan’s touch, “you know I hate hesitation,” Cara breathed with sweat starting to roll off of her.

“And this hatred has led to a meaningless, painful death.”

A small, pained smile formed on Cara’s lips, “you’re wrong.”

“Oh and how am I wrong? You’re going to die.”

Cara tried to relax her body, taking deep breaths as she did so, “yes… I’m going to die, but it isn’t meaningless and I appreciate the pain. Death by a Confessor? The Mother Confessor no less? That is nothing to frown upon, it is a true death. Death at the hand of someone I’ve grown to love and cherish? I find that honorable and meaningful.”

The Mother Confessor blinked, her eyes widening only slightly but Cara caught it, “a Mord’Sith cannot love.”

“You taught me to love, Kahlan and being confessed by you? It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. It’s like my body has been tossed into a hot spring but I’ve still my wits about me. I’ve no desire to ask you to command me. My heart is beating so hard the only thing I truly fear is that it will burst from my chest; it feels like the first time you smiled at me. If this is the death I’m going to have it is worth it.”

Kahlan's brows furrowed, not enjoying the emotions passing through her at the moment. "Right..." she remained by Cara's side, watching her as she struggled to get enough oxygen in her lungs. she stood and abandoned the Mord'Sith on the floor once her body went slack and moved quickly towards Richard, ready to confess him if necessary. She had no need for the Seeker here - he had a duty and that duty was to save the world.

Something hard collided with her back and she flailed her arms slightly before hitting the ground chest first. Arms wrapped around Kahlan's waist with someone clinging firmly to her, "get off of me! How dare you!"

"No!" The voice was petulant but familiar.

"Cara!?" Kahlan exclaimed, outraged, trying to turn onto her back only to be held down firmly by the leather clad body.

The Mother Confessor managed to stand with a great amount of difficulty; Cara continued to cling to her from behind, "get off of me! You should be dead!"

"No!" Her jaw dropped as hands groped at her breasts, the Mother Confessor's face was near comical as Cara continued to grope her breasts from behind. "Squishy!"

"What in the name of the Keeper do you think you're doing?!"

"Groping boobies!"

Kahlan grunted the Mord'Sith continued to hug her from behind, groping her with one hand and holding her tight with the other. "If you free Zedd he can restore you to your original self... Cara won't be so-"

"Boobies! Floaties!"

Grope. Grope.

"Free the wizard! Now!" Kahlan ordered, struggling against Cara's strong grip - mortified as Cara continued to grope her.

"So squishy! I like the squishy. They're the perfect flotation devices... ooh! And they're the best pillows ever."

Grope. Grope

"WHERE IS THE WIZARD!?" Kahlan screeched, trying to struggle out of Cara's grasp.

"I want snuggles."

"You cannot have snuggles." Kahlan muttered, "why aren't you dead?!" She was thankful that the woman wasn't but this was a bit ridiculous.

Grope. Grope

"Get the Wizard. NOW!"

// Later

Cara groaned as sat on the floor, head pressing against the side of the wall - she glared hard at the now whole Kahlan Amnell. "If you ever try to Confess me again... I will Agiel you in the face."

"Oh but Cara... you were so enamored with her breasts... by the time I got out here you were -"

"Not a word, Wizard!" Cara snapped, glaring at the old man.

Kahlan blushed and turned from Cara, not remembering a single thing about her split. "What was she doing?"

"Oh what was the whole thing?" Richard asked, his eyes alight with mischief, "Mistress of the fluffy pillows guide us. Mistress of the fluffy pillows teach us. Mistress of the fluffy pillows protect us. In your fluffiness we thrive. In your cushiness we are sheltered. In your perfection we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our lives our yours."

Cara gave a small moan and pulled her arm up to cover her head, "shut up Lord Rahl."

A gentle hand touched her cheek and she lifted her head - sea green eyes met burning sapphire ones. "We should get a bath... you haven't gotten to have a proper one since you left the Temple."


"Oh! But... I still need to run a diagnostic on Cara to figure out why she was only partially confessed!" Zedd exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"You will do no such thing." Kahlan growled, glaring at him with a new fire, "she's had enough magic pass through her for a while."

"But... but..."

Richard clapped his hand on Zedd's shoulder, "it's no use. Let's go get some mutton."

fanfiction: cara/kahlan, !feelings fest, user: synergyfox

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