Charity Drive via the Tabrett Bethell Appreciation Project!

Nov 24, 2010 18:15

You may remember past posts about the Tabrett Bethell Appreciation Project that myself and BeautifulLauren organized, to thank her for her work and efforts and let Tabrett know they were (definitely!) noticed. We got a great response and are currently compiling all the fan vids, songs, letters and messages, graphics and hand drawings, poems, etc into a large scrapbook that we'll be sending to Tabrett soon.

We recently asked for help in covering expenses and within days had all that we needed and then some! LotS and Tabrett fans are amazing! We had said that any surplus beyond expenses would go to charity, but since it happened so quickly, we're not stopping there.

So now, we're raising funds to go to a charity in Tabrett's hometown of Sydney, Australia, in her name! We think Tabrett will be thrilled at such a gesture done on her behalf! (We'll include notice of the final donation in the scrapbook to her.)

We're researching charities right now, and will keep you posted on who gets the nod. But whether you were able to submit something to the scrapbook Project or not, everyone is welcome to give a little or alot to the charity fund now, via the Project's PayPal account. Let's show Tabrett what her fans are made of, and turn her inspiring performances into an inspiration to help others.


actress: tabrett bethell, user: beautifullauren, user: rhyfeddu

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