Don't Worry, Be Happy

Aug 31, 2008 14:20

I've been tagged twice for this meme, so I guess I should do it, lol.

The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while.

1. Hanging out with friends: Been having lots of friend-time lately due to Kat's swiftly-approaching leave-taking. *sniff* The good part of this is that we've been managing to have some quality hanging out, even though summer is over. I feel more loved than ever by that delegation of my life right now. =) And though I'm sad Kat's leaving for a few months, I'm setting up my Skype and buying envelopes and looking up postage prices, so I don't think it'll be unbearable. *hugs*

2. Being back in school: Though a little overwhelming the first few days, I'm now really glad to be back in school. I guess that's how I know I've picked the right thing to study - I feel capable, challenged, interested, and looking forward to learning. I also feel like my teachers this semester are amazing; they all seem very knowledgeable, very well-practiced, and easy-going, but not when it comes to patient care/safety (which is how it should be). I think they expect a lot from us, and I love that in a professor. So, school = happy (we'll see if I'm singing the same tune in a few weeks).

3. My thesis: A big part of my past foray into depression was the feeling that I wasn't doing anything important, and that I couldn't get interested in anything. With the start of my thesis project, I've felt exactly the opposite.

4. My dad: My dad's birthday was about a week ago and my sisters and I got him an iPod shuffle. He has been like the most adorable little kid since then. He's always bouncing around whistling or singing an old '50's song or a song he used to sing me when I was little, and he's so excited, lol. After moving out etc., which I know has not been easy on my parents, I like seeing either of them that happy.

5. Losing weight: I've been pretty disciplined with the doctor's orders, and I've gotten some good results. I don't anticipate any of a loss this week, what with the going out all the time before Kat leaves, but that's alright. There are more important things. =) At this point, I'm about 20lbs. down from my heaviest, and though I expect it to slow down during the winter (since my appetite in the summer is practically nothing), if I do what I'm supposed to, I think I can keep losing.

6. New music: Need I say more? It always makes me happy finding new music I like.

7. Feeling appreciated: I've been doing a lot for the BHC lately, and the woman in charge has practically fallen at my feet thanking me. They've also made an effort to add more Nursing/Medicine related lectures to the schedule because of my demands feedback, so even though they still haven't quite grasped the concept of scheduling them when Nursing students don't have class (*sigh*), it was still nice to hear the Associate Dean tell me my comments had changed something. I know we're a small population of students, but hey, we're still important!

8. Someone: Last Sunday was...brilliant. Don't want to talk about it much more than that, but he hardly left my side, and I remembered all the little reasons why I lo I'll miss him.

9. Lucius naps: I've had several very excellent Lucius naps lately, which has served to lessen the stress of starting school again. I think I've mastered the art of making myself have a Lucius nap versus a regular nap - it's fantastic.

10. Super secret plan: It's a super secret. You can't know it. One of you does know, one of you will know soon, and the rest of you may know after that. =)

This is a pretty good time for me to do this meme - right now I'm in an almost unbelievably happy mood. Strange to look at entries from two years ago, knowing how I felt at that time, knowing the kinds of thoughts that were going through my head, knowing that I believed I would never be this happy again. It feels so long ago, but not so long ago at all (which doesn't make sense, but eh), and I'm happy with the way things have turned out since then.


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