How do you know I'm procrastinating? I did the dishes. AND put my clothes away. O.O
I find I need to do another list today, so here goes:
1. Finished Watchmen today, and decided I pretty much loved it. If you're into really intriguing characters and plot, definitely
pick this up. Not as fantastic as Sandman, in my opinion, but I still enjoyed it immensely. Daniel, I think you'd like it best.
2. I am now the proud owner of the entire Sandman series *squee*! You have no idea how excited this makes me! Well...simultaneously depressed too, but you know how the Series Blues goes (okay, maybe only Kayte will understand, but still). Got the Lil' Endless storybook too, which is infinitely adorable, though there's far too little Lil!Dream. The art for The Wake actually looks pretty different from the others...but I think I approve...
I guess this solves the question of what I'm going to read next, lol.
3. Something has been REALLY bugging me lately. It's when dumb people try to console themselves in their dumbness by stating snobbily "Well, book-smart people don't have any common sense or social sense." I know plenty of book-smart people who have more social grace and common sense than anyone. Now me, I consider myself relatively book-smart, but I can also handle myself well in social situations, have a nice group of close friends, and I tend to have as much common sense as anyone. STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR NOT BEING INTELLIGENT. JUST BECAUSE YOU GET FUCKED AND FUCKED UP 2+ TIMES A WEEK DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE BETTER SOCIAL SENSE THAN THE REST OF US. *sigh* Much better.
4. Sitting here staring at my Roland pictures, I'm thinking a re-read of Dark Tower might be in order soon. Hm.