If you can stomach this article (and if you have time, of course), I suggest reading it.
Gay Teens, the Boy Scouts, and A.M.A. Policy: Why AMA Policy is Not in the Best Interest of Children or Families So you won't be enraged/shocked, however, I also suggest taking a look at the top of the page to see where the article was posted before reading it.
Frightening? Perhaps. One of my biggest questions is: What is "aggressive treatment" for Gender Identity Disorder?
There are a few problems with the studies she cites, namely, assuming that homosexuality in itself is responsible for the "problems" they list; say it with me - correlation DOES NOT EQUAL causation! Also, not providing the HIV related data for heterosexual individuals as well - a HUGE flaw in that following argument, since HIV is severely on the rise in the heterosexual population (and come on, clearly the older you get, the more sex you have, the more likely you are to contract an STD, so that rise in percentages isn't really that compelling on its own).
One thing I do give her kudos for is referencing the studies from different countries where there is "broad and far-reaching tolerance of many forms of sexual deviation" (O'Leary, 2007) *snicker*.
What should have been done here is another study questioning GBL teens (and adults, where applicable) as to why they experience suicide ideation, or at least what the driving forces are for them. This article is full of assumptions, far far too many for it to be a convincing argument. Even if I hated gay people with every fiber of my being *shudder*, I sincerely don't believe this would have made it into any sort of scientific publication (and I've read a fair few), even though they are trying to pass it off as such.
On a more selfish note - I find I really enjoy critiquing articles, even ones I agree with! Who knew my HIV project would turn me into such a nerd, lol (oh wait, I knew).
Since I just had an APA workshop today (*groan*), I'll feel remiss if I don't do a "proper" reference for the article (this is as proper as I can make it, okay? don't go all handbook on me)
O'Leary, Dale. National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. "Gay Teens, the Boy Scouts, and A.M.A. Policy: Why AMA Policy is Not in the Best Interest of Children or Families." Retrieved January 30, 2008, from