Oct 08, 2008 00:55
Survey stolen from Dungeon Writer:
01. What is essential for your happiness?
My friends, writing, playing guitar, and those little moments where everything seems perfect, at least for five minutes.
02. What are you wearing at the moment?
Jeans and a long sleeved brown shirt with gold buttons.
03. Who is/was your favorite cartoon character?
Malachie from Making Fiends, now on Nicktoons network.
04. What is your favourite scent?
It varies...somewhere between white cherry blossom, cucumber mellon, ylang rose, and sandalwood.
05. What video games are you playing at the moment?
Way too much snood, with the occasional neopets and slasher (if they count).
06. What do you drink the most?
Water, diet coke
07. What color is your room?
White at school, mint green at home.
08. Who was your first big crush?
Paul Vendetti, second grade. Or if you mean big crush, since that was only minor...not sure who would be the first. Maybe Kevin Kirby.
09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
No idea. Playwright for the next five minutes.
10. What mythological figure are you?
Phoenix. I'm reborn every five seconds. It's the benefit of being nuts.
11. What characters are overrated?
Edward Cullen. Sorry. He's a jackass.
12. What 3 people do you invite to dinner?
What, people I know, or people I don't know? I'll assume you mean celebrities, so...Jennifer Garner, Keith Kane from Vertical Horizon, and J.K. Rowling. They all seem like they'd be fun to hang out with.
13.What is your current desktop?
Black and white shot of a rocky shore in mist.
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
She's pretty cool, but she didn't exactly tag me. I just stole it from her.
15. What are you afraid of?
Disappointing people, social situations in general, intravenous needles, ghosts, clowns
16. What's your favourite item of clothing?
At the moment? I've got this beige cardigan that I'm digging. Also got this awesome vintage leather jacket from a consignment shop the other day.
17. What are you into right now?
Guitar, playwriting, David Sedaris, Lido Beach, and Degrassi- sad, but true.
18. What did you do today?
Classes, sleep, and an audition for Mystery of Edwin Drood that went so-so. Better than most of my auditions, but not great.
19. What do you want?
To become a street musician (and be good enough to do so), to publish...something, live an interesting life, for the guy I love to love me back, and generally want to be alive to make it work.
20. What should you be doing right now?
Sleeping, getting food, working on my Renn Lit paper.
21. What's the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
Nicknames- Steph. Self explanatory. Username- lotrvhluva. When I wrote it, I was obsessed with Lord of the Rings and Vertical Horizon. I still love them both, but I'm less obsessed.
22. What animal best symbolizes your spirit?
Cockatiel- shrieky, occasionally adorable, but really wanting to fly away.