
Aug 09, 2015 03:02

Gishwhes is over!!!

I had a blast all week with my team The Rainbow-Bombers and especially with emmatheslayer, pippin1983, and keywielder! Here's the list of stuff that we were able to complete because I have been dying to share things all week!!!

1. IMAGE. Beautifully recreate one of these painting optical illusions or another one you find on the Internet using real bodies and/or props:

2. IMAGE or VIDEO. Do the one thing that you think, if everyone did it, would change the world for the better overnight. Caption the image or video with what you're doing.

5. VIDEO. FELICIA DAY ITEM. Do a dramatic reading of your grade-school report card.

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10. VIDEO. Find someone you love and butter them up; literally, cover them in butter and then give them a big hug. - Carianne Steinman ((emmatheslayer send me the entire video so I can add it here! My quality from where I took it from my phone from facebook sucked LOL Facebook wouldn't let me save the video from it!))

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12. VIDEO or IMAGE. Show us what Supernatural will look like at the start of Season 50. -Sara and Caitlyn Cacador

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And Dean searching for a new Impala...

17. IMAGE. The 2015 gishwhes mascot Dinomite asks you to pick a number between 1 and 1000, asks you 10 questions with yes/no answers, and then guesses the number. What were the 10 questions?

20. IMAGE. Here's your hint: T11fJ-bSWI0. (Don't submit anything unless you solve the puzzle or you will be docked points.)

27. VIDEO. (Video may be up to 20 seconds.) Everyone likes drive-thrus and "Jeopardy." Combine them by going through a drive thru and making the employee guess your order by describing the items to them with the "answer."

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28.IMAGE. Blow us away with your amazing cosplay as a famous inanimate object.

29.IMAGE. Show us your idea of love. Caption the image if you wish.

30. IMAGE. Support our troops. More than 10% of veterans that return from war suffer post traumatic stress syndrome. Tweet or post on FB or Instagram an image of you next to an armed serviceman, with you holding up a sign with a positive message or a message of kindness or gratitude to them and soldiers worldwide. Submit the screen cap of your post.

32. IMAGE. Write a thank you letter to a teacher or mentor from your past that you never sufficiently thanked. Mail it. You may submit an image of the letter, or if you wish it to remain private, submit an image of you mailing it. But you must mail it or bad karma will be rained down upon your toothbrush.

34. IMAGE. How do you do it? Everyone on your team has such beautiful mustaches? Do you have some sort of hair growth cream you slather on or pills you all take? Let's see a grid photo of everyone on your team that features your mustaches prominently.

36. IMAGE. Create a cocktail dress or tux out of flowers (you can use foliage, but at least 50% needs to be flowers). Photograph yourself in a contrasting "greenless" urban setting. - Olivia Desianti

40. IMAGE. They say, "A dog is a man's best friend," but they are sexist. Dogs can be women's best friends too. To prove it, make one entirely out of feminine hygiene products. The dog must be at least 40 centimeters tall. (See how international we are? Look at these units!)

His name is Maxi and he is a dauchtsund poodle, from India Russia.

41. IMAGE. The cats are coming! Prepare your dog for battle. Outfit him or her with armory, weaponry, cutting edge laser gear - whatever it takes to create a canine of mass destruction.

42. IMAGE. You've just received an invitation to the annual Color Me Pretty Construction Paper Gala. Design and wear an elegant gown consisting of only construction paper. You must be posed with a antique or hotrod car/motorcycle (that will take you to the Gala, of course) or in front of the Gala itself which takes place in the most stunning public building of your city.

44. IMAGE. Let's see a portrait of Robert Downey, Jr. or Ironman made entirely of salt and pepper. Tweet it to him (@robertdowneyjr) with @gishwhes in the tweet. SUBMIT a link to the image to us, NOT a link to an image of the tweet - but you must tweet it to him for your image to count.

46. IMAGE. Congratulations! You've won a one-way trip to colonize Mars! Unfortunately, you can't bring a checked bag and your carry on must not exceed 10kg. Lay out everything you would pack on your bed in an orderly manner. You will live off of Martian dust mite dung; so don't worry about snacks unless it's a comfort food you can't live without.

49. VIDEO. It's time to get some fresh air. Take your (at least) 3 pet robots out for a walk. You, of course, should be wearing your homemade Robot Leader Helmet.
This is keywielder and my favorite video ever. And my neighbors think I'm insane.

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50. VIDEO. Your friend loves cake, so being a good friend, you offer to take them out for cake at a nice restaurant. Alas, you discover when you arrive at the restaurant, that your friend has recently undergone medical treatments that prevents them from moving their arms, so you will have to feed them. Unfortunately, light is harmful to your eyes so you must be blindfolded. While blindfolded, stand behind your seated friend in a fancy restaurant and put your arms under their armpits and feed them cake with your hands. Trust us. This is going to work out beautifully.

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51. IMAGE. Death's funeral. - Jessica Mary Hicks

I also made a picture combining both of theirs...

52. IMAGE. You've been hired to design the cover of National Geographic's next issue, "Discovering The Padalecki." Do a drawing, painting or digitally created image (you may photoshop existing images for this item) of the new tropical species that has been discovered, much by accident, by workers building an inland dam.
I'm proud about this one too! Mostly because my husband was impressed.

54. IMAGE. WILLIAM SHATNER ITEM - You may not know this but William Shatner is a big My Little Pony Brony (a male fan of the My Little Pony series.) He wants to share this interest with other actors. Create an image however you wish of one of your favorite actors as a My Little Pony and tweet it to them. Get the actor to retweet your image and hashtag #Shatnermademedoit @gishwhes. Submit a screencap of the actor tweet.

Unfortunately, Felicia didn't retweet us :(

Here's the entire image.

57. IMAGE. You know how sometimes you look at your child’s weird behavior and think, “Where did you come from? You certainly didn’t come from me.” Well, after extensive DNA analysis (thanks for sending that in) we just discovered they did not, in fact, come from you. They came from the new planet that was just discovered: Earth2.0 ( They’ll behave better if you stop trying to make them human. Dress them up or convert them back into keplerians and take them to a park, playground, ice cream shop (or similar). Teenage keplerians are acceptable and even encouraged as long as they’re with their parents. Really go to town on the costumes, make-up and location for this for bonus points!

61. IMAGE. Create a short "Supernatural"-related horror story out of the abbreviations of the elements of the Periodic Table. You may only use each letter from each abbreviation once (so you'd have roughly - 225 letters to use). The more coherent the story, the better.

I did this by making my own scrabble pieces. Did any one else do this? How did you accomplish it? And please! Share!

My new signature is TTTVDX, by the way. I may even change my LJ handle... The Typically Tenacious Very Dani X-periance.

62. IMAGE. Depending on which self-proclaimed expert you speak to, the universe is likely heading towards a Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch or a Big Bounce. Act out what that looks like in your own interpretation using whatever props or moves you need.

There's also this gem...

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64. IMAGE. The Department of Consumer Kale Residency has decided 2015 is the year to find its favorite hotel lobby in the world. They've asked us to help. Put on your most beautifully designed hat (hat must be made of kale) and evening gown or tux and get a picture of you in your town's finest and most elegant hotel lobby with a maid or bellman.

66. IMAGE. Bummer. We just got a report that the world is going to end. You've got time to do one thing. What is it? Caption the image with what you're doing if it's not clear.

69. IMAGE. Create a beautiful kindness haiku on a nice, homemade card and mail it to or leave it for your parent, grandparent or any other older adult who has influenced you. Take a picture of the Haiku.

78. VIDEO. CNN has a video that they created that will play if the world ends. What would your end-of-the-world broadcast be if gishwhes caused it? Create it and then tweet it to @cnn #endoftheworld @gishwhes. (SUBMIT the video link to us, not the tweet, but you must tweet it for the points to count.) - Jane Lowther

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79. IMAGE. Take an infrared photo of a popsicle in your mouth.

80. IMAGE. Tweet a photo of two men or women kissing each other (clothed) to @Ricksantorum. We need to see the Tweet with #facerealityRick @gishwhes.

81. IMAGE. Last year saw the epic battle for mascot supremacy. Document this action packed tale in a fitting comic book strip that includes this year's mascot (Dinomite) as well. Be sure to include all of gishwhes' heroes, heroines, and super villains! - Roxy Fox

Pretty damn proud of this one too!

83. IMAGE. You know the saying, "No man is an island." Prove it wrong.
My hubby was SO unimpressed LOL We got his Star Wars legos muddy!

87. IMAGE. Your car color is uniform and boring. It's time for a paint job. Paint an image of a celebrated musician riding a unicorn on the hood or door panel of your car. It must cover the entire hood or door panel.

91. IMAGE. You know how when you draw lines to connect the stars in a constellation you see the image of the thing it's supposed to be? You connect the stars in the Big Dipper and you see a giant ladle. The Stars of "Supernatural" deserve their own constellations. Connect the dots of stars to create a constellation in the likeness of a Supernatural actor. Your constellation must be crafted from an actual high-resolution telescope photo of stars in the night sky. You may not overlay an image over the night sky. You must connect stars to form the shape. You may use an existing image (or images) of the night sky.

Jensen Ackles -- Night Sky Constellation. Night Sky Photo by Fritz Benedict and David Chappell using a 30" telescope at McDonal Observatory. Jensen reference photo:

92. VIDEO. RACHEL MINER ITEM. Make and wear a "Save The Unicorns" t-shirt and stand in a crowded public place asking people to sign a petition to "Save The Endangered Unicorns."

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96. IMAGE. The Tooth Fairy is on strike. Invent another fairy that provides a service in your home for your children, or your dorm room/apartment for your roommates. Dress up as the fairy providing the service, and then caption the image with what you are.

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: keywielder is wearing a DRESS.

97. IMAGE. Yarnbomb something in your town that shouldn't be yarn bombed.

99. IMAGE. The problem with growing kale is that hipsters are always trying to sneak into my garden to steal it! Show what a trap would look like to catch these pests. Extra points if you capture (alive) a real life hipster.

101. VIDEO. Like most citizens of the world, you probably plan to run for president/prime minister/king. Create a political ad for your campaign announcing your candidacy. Like any good candidate, you should always try to get a celebrity endorsement.

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107. VIDEO. JONATHAN LETHEM ITEM. Read "Call of the Wild" to a dog in a public place, "Moby Dick" to a whale, or "Born Free" to a lion. They must be within 10 feet of you.

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120. IMAGE. Stand in front of your garden holding up a sign with your best unorthodox or hard to believe gardening tip for the First Lady of the United States. Tweet it to @MichelleObama and include "@gishwhes" and "#gardeninghack"

119. IMAGE. Create the Impala or any iconic object from "Supernatural" out of compost scraps.

125. IMAGE. Using food found in your refrigerator or pantry, recreate a national landmark. You may not use gummi bears.

126. IMAGE. The setting is a candle-lit romantic dinner for two. Let's see the "spaghetti" scene from "Lady and the Tramp." Both of you must be dressed for the hot date. Super bonus points if it's in an actual nice restaurant.

139. IMAGE. Do your best 1950's June Cleaver impression and vacuum the lawn. - Shawna O'Neal

148. IMAGE. Make a highway rest stop more restful - make it a paradise.

154. IMAGE. Let's see the Leaning Tower of Gishwhes.



155. IMAGE. Let's see a portrait of Taylor Swift or Nicki Minaj made from glue, rice and dried legumes.

keywielderWe did this all week long. Seriously. And this picture doesn't do it justice. It's huge. And she wants me to put it over my bed.


157. IMAGE. Everyone has cell phones, so phone booths sit unused for many days. Reimagine and repurpose a phone booth. Show a passer-by using it in a new way. - Inspired by Jennifer Gutierrez

159. IMAGE. Tweet a picture of you holding up your most inspiring book or book title with the hashtag #booksnotbullets and @gishwhes.

161. IMAGE. Tweet to your school board or write a letter to your employer to hold a CPR class with this link: or facts from the link. Let's see the tweet in the submitted image.

162. IMAGE. Commit a random act of kindness and have someone take a picture of what you're doing and caption it. Here are some examples: Tweet it to @RandomActsOrg if you wish but submit to us the image only.

165. IMAGE. WILLIAM SHATNER ITEM - Carrie Fisher is known for her portrayal of Princess Leia in Star Wars. Her memorable hairstyle was often called the Princess Leia Bun. Bake a portrait of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in bread.

168. IMAGE. Present an artistic depiction of a famous Italian landmark - on a pizza.

179. IMAGE. Work opportunities are scarce since the Death Star blew up. Let's see a stormtrooper working at their job as a waiter, fast food line prep, car mechanic, postal worker, deli sandwich maker, road-repair worker, etc). - Katherine Parsons

181. IMAGE. Sign up to your country's organ donor register. - Ezza Manns

184. IMAGE. Matthew 14:22, and so did the best of you Don't submit unless you solve the puzzle or you will be docked points.

Be the messiah you were always meant to be. Walk on water

188. IMAGE. JOHN GREEN ITEM. Write up to a 250 word personal manifesto that answers the question: "What are you fighting for?" or "What cause is the most important for you?" Then make your own uniform/costume that declares that cause. Two pictures side by side must be submitted (or one embedded in the other): you wearing your uniform/costume, and your manifesto. Share your manifesto and image with John Green (@johngreen) or The Art Assignment (@artassignment) on Facebook or Twitter.

191. IMAGE. ASHLEY JOHNSON ITEM. Paint a stately, magnificent portrait of world or state leader after they've turned into a Clicker zombie.

keywielder is amazing. She did this with gauche. And she thinks she's awful at art. Because she's insane. So everyone should tell her so.

Also, everyone should play The Last of Us. We both fangirled a bit at this task.

193. IMAGE. Contribute the recipe for 'Dinomite's Fluffy Bites' and get at least 20, 5-star reviews from people who enjoyed the recipe.

195. IMAGE. Design a new currency for Greece. Each bill and/or coin should carry a reassuring message.

Also, because I loved this so freaking much, I made a post with all of the money in regular sized as well as some of my super awful manips (Except Jensen... cause, what the fuck. He is perfection as a god. You can find that post here.

198. VIDEO or IMAGE. Someone outside your immediate family sacrificed something so that you could be where you are today. Find that person and give a heartfelt thank you by creating something for them or doing something for them. Caption the video with what they did for you.

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199. IMAGE. Translate your favorite slogan into legalese.

200. IMAGE. Leave a review for gishwhes on Yelp or Google.

201. IMAGE. Show us something you find beautiful that most others would deem ugly.

202. IMAGE. ITEM IN HONOR OF JUSTIN GUARINI: Show up in Times Square on Broadway between 46th and 47th street on the West side of the street (next to the red steps) on Monday, August 3rd at 12:00 ET, dressed as a "tourist" Stormtrooper and follow instructions given to you by the jumbotron You may submit an image of you (as the stormtrooper) in front of the jumbotron or as you follow instructions. You must follow the instructed activity for at least 1 minute. Two teams may not use the same stormtrooper. For those outside of the US: on the same day, at 12:00PM in your local time, go to the most prominent landmark in your city dressed as a publicly known sci-fi character or monster "tourist." You must provide an image of the character in front of the landmark. (US Citizens - ignore this direction - your directions will come from the jumbotron.)

203. IMAGE. ITEM IN HONOR OF JUSTIN GUARINI: Show up in Times Square on Broadway between 46th and 47th street on the West side of the street (next to the red steps) on Tuesday, August 4th at 12:00 ET dressed in a lettuce or kale tutu and follow instructions given to you by the jumbotron You may submit an image of you in the lettuce or kale tutu in front of the jumbotron or as you follow instructions. You must follow the instructions for at least 1 minute. For those outside of the US: on the same day, at 12:00PM in your local time, go to the most prominent landmark in your city dressed in a lettuce of kale tutu. You must provide an image of you in the tutu in front of the landmark doing a ballet move with a bystander applauding. (US Citizens - ignore this direction - your directions will come from the jumbotron.)

204. IMAGE. ITEM IN HONOR OF JUSTIN GUARINI: Show up in Times Square on Broadway between 46th and 47th street on the West side of the street (next to the red steps) on Wednesday August 5th at 12:00 ET dressed in a white t-shirt, bring some Sharpie-style markers, and follow instructions given to you by the jumbotron You must submit an image of you in a white t-shirt AFTER you have followed the directions. You must follow the instructions for at least 1 minute. For those outside the US: on the same day, at 12:00PM in your local time, go to the most prominent landmark in your city wearing a white t-shirt. You must provide an image of you in the white t-shirt in front of the landmark - but your t-shirt must have a message of important advice written on it that you would like to communicate to the world (US Citizens - ignore this direction - your directions will come from the jumbotron.)

205. IMAGE. ITEM IN HONOR OF JUSTIN GUARINI: Show up in Times Square on Broadway between 46th and 47th street on the West side of the street (next to the red steps) on Thursday, August 6th at 12:00 ET wearing a William Shatner Mask and follow instructions given to you by the jumbotron You may submit an image of you in the Shatner mask in front of the jumbotron or or as you follow instructions. You must follow the instructions for at least 1 minute. For those outside of the US: on the same day, at 12:00PM in your local time, go to the most prominent landmark in your city wearing a William Shatner mask. You must provide an image of you wearing the Shatner mask, in front of the landmark, posing lovingly with someone or some pet. (US Citizens - ignore this direction - your directions will come from the jumbotron.)

206. IMAGE. ITEM IN HONOR OF JUSTIN GUARINI: Show up in Times Square on Broadway between 46th and 47th street on the West side of the street (next to the red steps) on Friday, August 7th at 12:00PM ET dressed in a nun's habit and follow instructions given to you by the jumbotron In addition to following instructions, you must submit an image of you in a nun's habit and thejumbotron behind it or or as you follow instructions. You must follow the instructions for at least 1 minute. For those outside of the U.S.: on the same day, at 12:00PM in your local time, go to the most prominent location in your city dressed in a nun's habit. You must provide an image of you in the nun's habit in front of the landmark doing a "power pose." (US Citizens - ignore this direction - your directions will come from the jumbotron.)

212. IMAGE. Help Misha and Gishwhes get an Erdös number for real this time. Go to and complete the tasks, per the directions you find there. Submit a screenshot of your certificate of completion.

214. VIDEO. ITEM WRITTEN BY MOBY. (5 seconds max). Let's see you with an animal you generally like more than people.

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art work, personal: family, youtube, twitter, misha collins, graphics, facebook, personal: life, gishwhes, fandom: supernatural, personal: dogs, personal: husband

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