Challenge 36 - A Second in Time

Aug 23, 2005 13:44

We're back!

Challenge 36 - A Second in Time

Part I
You know those seconds that seem to go on forever? That's what this challenge is about. Write a fic that takes place over the course of one second. For instance, write a fic about that one second when Karl realizes Orlando is about to kiss him. Write what goes through his head. Write about the way the sunlight catches Orlando's eyes and makes them seem like liquid.

t i p s
Everyone's first instinct is going to be to write about a kiss or the second where someone realizes they're in love with their best friend. Try to switch it up. Aim to write something that hasn't been written before. It makes it more entertaining for everyone involved.


How To Submit Your Fic
Post it in your journal or in a community, or even on a site. Just somewhere where you can link to it. Then, leave a comment here with a link to it. Be sure the header contains all the necessary information listed in the community's userinfo.

All fics must be submitted by midnight EST on Friday, September 16.


Leave a comment if you have any questions.


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