Challenge 32 - Poetry
Part I
Find a poem you like (or even one you don't like depending on the context of your story) and choose a line from it. You must include this line (and this line only) in your story. The line of poetry is to be used as dialogue, not as an intro or ending to the fic. The character(s) can be quoting the line of poetry or they can write it. You can't include the rest of the poem anywhere in the fic.
t i p s
Your story doesn't have to revolve around the quoted line of poetry, but it must be included. You have the choice to have the line read in any context (as a joke, as someone revealing their feelings, as part of a letter, etc). To make it fun for the readers, don't specify what poem the line's from and see if they can guess. This has nothing to do with the judging portion of the challenge, but it'd be entertaining.
How To Submit Your Fic
Post it in your journal or in a community, or even on a site. Just somewhere where you can link to it. Then, leave a comment here with a link to it. Be sure the header contains all the necessary information listed in the community's userinfo.
All fics must be submitted by midnight EST on Friday, March 11.
Leave a comment if you have any questions.
And don't forget,
Challenge 31 ends this Friday (the 25th).