Remix of idrillia_fic: In the Dark

Jul 19, 2009 07:45

Title: In the Dark
Author: foxrafer
Original story: Scenes of Obsession by idrillia_fic
Pairing: Elijah/Orlando
Rating: R-ish (but mostly PG)
Summary: At times it's too easy to drift apart.
Warnings: For me, this is heavy on the angst
Pre-reveal Notes: Thanks to idrillia_fic for the fantastic inspiration. I strongly encourage everyone to read her original story first. I ( Read more... )

2009 remix

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idri_fic July 21 2009, 16:27:20 UTC
The first paragraphs are just a wonderful introduction to your fic. I just love the idea of Elijah's mind running almost like a computer system when it come to 'his star' - constructing, realigning, comparing, deleting, refining... looking for the perfect 'model' of Orlando and what he's doing at any given time.

And the doubt, the worry, twisting through it all like a particularly nasty breed of snake. Evol and wrong and oh Elijah!

Steven, filled with insecurity and shyness, rather than Orlando, quietly confident and passionate. Elijah smiles at the thought, glad for the ready explanation of this sense of separation. He lets his pride and admiration build, holds it like a shield against doubt.

Love this. Love your brief but oh so right description of Orlando as confident and passionate because yes! That's how he is. For sure *nods most certainly* And Elijah being all proud and admiring of his man *dies of teh happy*

And all the insecurity! When the news of a trip to London is met with only a hurried affirmation his momentary comfort is quick to erode. This is so subtle but so sad! That this beautiful, talented man is so insecure... but it's understandable that he is.

You probably know I was at the play more times than is healthy for anyone (or at least their bank account) and this is exactly how it was... The adoration is genuine, the frenzy almost frightening, and he wonders not for the first time if Orlando could give all this up, if he'd be content returning to a simple life. On the last night the frenzy really was frightening and I remember I wondered the same thing. Whether it would be better for Orlando to just give it up, whether he'd want to. I've discussed this with several people, often when they wanted him back acting and in movies. Having seen what part of his fandom can be like IRL I have pretty consistently argued that perhaps he wants to be away from the spotlight a bit. Wants to make quirky choices and fade out of the blockbuster scene. Wantss to gain some breathing space. Not that I think about things like this too much or anything.... ;)

I was delighted and excited to see you go into their first time together in more detail, and yes -that's how it was. Fumbly and bumped teeth and squashed limbs and awkward and just right. Just perfect *loves*

And the way you end this leads perfectly into the second part of the original, the bar. Having Elijah gradually regain the trust in his relationship, in himself. Having him know that his Orlando is just that, his Orlando. And I can seem him, from this state of mind, choosing to pull the stunt that he does with his role play. It allows him to act young, naive, excited and thrilled to be with Orlando, all of which he really is. It gives him a way back to their first time...

*le sigh*

This has made me so happy to read, thank you so much for taking such care of these two :)

My apologies for the delay in commenting. I'm travelling at the moment and this morning, in San Diego for comic con and hopes of seeing Peter Jackson in person for the first time, is the first time I've had to log on and read this. I've been super excited to read my re-mix and this is just wonderful.

Thank you *hugs you*


foxrafer July 29 2009, 14:38:07 UTC
I am so pleased that you liked this. I tried really hard not to do this story; I have issues letting Elijah be a grown up (*g*); he's kind of forever 10 in my head. But I kept coming back to it and finally gave in. I'm surprised I didn't break my fingers, I was twisting them so much worrying if I was getting Elijah even close to right.

Thank you for this generous and lovely feedback. It was wonderful to have such an interesting story to work with and I wanted so much to do it justice.


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