Title: All Of My Best Memories Are Lies
Author: Brenda (
Original story:
Genesis by
Featuring: Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Orlando Bloom
Rating: NC17 (mostly language)
Summary: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Post-reveal Notes: Special thanks to
the_stowaway for the beta and to Caro for the great fics to choose from. :)
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Please, I may as well have stamped my name on it, it was so obvious. *g*
That being said I invite you to hold a speech at my funeral for you have killed me dead with this. I wouldn't mind you going into detail about that first time sex there either, that would be some wake indeed :).
Greedy, greedy Caro. Do you have any idea how hard it was to write this and NOT write the sex???? Which, I'll admit, was totally deliberate, since your fic dealt solely with the sex, so I went a different direction. But, man, your boys are in the gutter. *facepalm*
I love your subtle and yet so clear distinction on their views on the truth and telling the truth. I love that Karl looks at it almost professional like, actor all the way; I love that it takes Harry not even one sentence to connect truth and tits (which does make a lot of sense since they do begin with the same letter and all...) and that he and Orlando are so very similar when it comes to that.
I had NOTES, man. No lie, I printed up Genesis & jotted down NOTES IN THE MARGINS. It was crazy. But, at any rate, that's all your boys, man. That's totally how I saw them in my head. Harry & Orlando are twins & Karl's the connection that keeps them from killing each other. *g*
I think what I loved best about this is how very very threesome this is. Not two plus one or anything, they fit together just like this so perfectly - and are so hot together (don't think I haven't noticed how you made this into some of the hottest porn ever without even any sex happening - merely by MENTIONING lips and legs and hipbones and GOD, more legs). This is what a threesome should be like, definitely.
Well, you know my theory & my rant on people who write threesomes that aren't really threesomes, so it was a pleasure to sink back into that & reflect that part of their relationship that we never quite got to see in your fic. Which was glorious. You really did give me SUCH great material. *fangirl*
Which is why he is so my very favourite character ever.
I am so not shocked to hear you say that. *g*
I LOVE YOU!!!!1!! This is SO cool. I don’t get just one remix fic, no, I get many of them all wrapped in legs and heat and pot smell. AND THERE IS BERNARD, TOO!
Oh, man, I had this crazy idea to try to incorporate as many of your fics as possible, which, honestly, turned out to be a great idea, since it gave me the basis for the fic itself. But this just proves that you need to write more Harry/Karl/Orlando in their various permutations. *ahem*
(And dude, of course I had to sneak Bernard in. I'm sure if nothing else gave me away, that had to have done it.)
I love the use of brackets throughout this entire story. These constant slightly ironical, always so affectionate comments that mess up the “chronological” order of things happening, gives us snippets of their past and again shows how perfect they work together as a threesome. Love it.
The brackets were a late addition, because I couldn't figure out any other way to get the back story in there without it. I must've tried everything. So, I'm glad the brackets worked. *g*
I had to quote this entire paragraph. Because enter Orlando and I AM DEAD. Narrow hips, one track mind and LEGS. Dead I tell you.
I love that I was going after how smart Orlando was & all you can concentrate on is the near nakedness. You're as bad as his boyfriends, honestly.
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