Specific Legolas Fic Search

Aug 09, 2015 03:04

I've been trying to hunt this fic down with little success. I'm hoping someone here might be able to give me a helping hand before I completely lose my mind. A lot of what I remember is kind of hazy as I believe the story is fairly old as I've been out of the fandom a while until recently. Here is what I remember/think I remember as being in the story:

-It was likely Legolas/Aragorn (could have been another m/m, maybe Elrond?)
-I don't think there was any Quest-it was AU and was a first meeting story where Legolas arrives in the kingdom for what I believe is the first time.
-It was fairly long.
-Legolas' love interest in the story was king.
-Legolas saves a bunch of horses when the stable is set on fire by entering the burning stable and rescuing them thus catching the attention of the king and works hard to save and heal the horses he can. He has the horses brought inside the great hall to take care of them which offends some and causes the servants to gossip. A lot of the horses lungs are permanently scarred.
-Legolas is not known as a Prince, I think he is there under another identity, but is expected to arrive at some point but wanted to see what the king was like before officially 'arriving'-this makes me think the story might have included Legolas being in an arranged marriage with the king.

Any of this ring a bell to anyone? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

FOUND by blueskydancers- In the Eye of the Beholder by wednesday-mc.

trope: abuse, genre: romance, pairing: fpf: aragorn/legolas, genre: drama, genre: ar

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