One specific and one general

Sep 25, 2012 03:00

I haven't been an active reader for quite a while but this fic us stuck in my mind and refuses to go away,
pie don't remember the details exactly, but I can remember the plot, Legolas and Aragorn are kidnaped, and Aragorn or both are tortured, the scene stuck to my mind is one at the close end, I believe they try to rape  one if them and Legolas selflessly agrees, I'm not sure if Aragorn knows from the beginning or later finds out but he tells Legolas that if it had been him he would have survived and Legolas says that Aragorn is more important and that 'I think' he can fade too since he has elf blood.
long story short, Legolas dies but not perminantly, Mandor interferes I think and sends him back... 
That is unfortunately all I can remember,
and if you can rec me one of your fav Fics about one of theses things in these lines: Mpreg, rape, the whole Arwen vs Legolas thingy, torture, h/c basically angst, dark Fics and bdsm... Or one similar to the fic I'm looking for...
gen or slash is okay, het is fine as long as its on the side.

Self recs are great... And any pairing is okay as long as its bottom!legolas only.
Thanks in advance so much!! :)

kink: bdsm, kink: rape, trope: mpreg, genre: h/c, genre: angst, kink: dubcon/noncon, pairing: fpf: aragorn/legolas

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