ADMIN: re: sharing content from locked posts/deleted content

Sep 22, 2011 22:47

Hi y'all,

I've recently been talking to a couple of people about some of the requests in the community and wanted to set an explicit policy on sharing stories from f-locked posts: Don't.

1) If a story (or other content) is in a friends-locked post or has been deleted from a personal journal, then DO NOT share it through this community. This includes exchanging email addresses in comments in order to share it. The writers in question have made a decision to limit the audience for those stories and have taken responsible steps to attempt this. It's the reader's responsibility, in those cases, to decide if they're willing to subscribe/friend/otherwise follow writer instructions to get a copy of the stories in question. Also, it's just generally bad etiquette to share the content of locked posts; it breaks the social contract that provides some measure of trust and community on LJ.

2) If a story (or other content) is in a friends-locked post or has been deleted from a community, then DO NOT share it through this community. It doesn't matter how large the membership of the community is where the story is/was posted, or how easy it is to join that community; the material is still locked and is considered locked by this community. It's fine to to post a link to the locked post, if it still exists. But from there, it's the reader's responsibility to join the other community in question if they want access to the story.

These prohibitions include locked posts that have been open in the past and only later were locked. While the memory of the internet is long, and the material may well be available somewhere, this community is not the appropriate place to broker it.

I encourage you to contact writers if you're looking for copies of stories that are no longer publicly available.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Comments to this post are screened; please let me know if you comment and would like your comment unscreened so that it'll be public.


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