Viggo/Orlando fic

Aug 14, 2011 15:26

I have been searching for a V/O fic that I though I initially read on the Mirrormere Site. It was a multi chapter and I remember it started out in a meeting of the LOTR cast where they were asked to describe the fellow cast members in one word and Viggo uses the word delectable or something erotic sounding to describe Orlando and embarrasses him. Although Orli is reluctant to start a relationship with Viggo they do get involved but he never commits to spending the whole night with Viggo. They try to keep the relationship secret but I think Craig Parker catches them having sex in the makeup trailer and Karl is jealous because he's interested in Viggo. He even makes Orlando think that he and Viggo are having an affair. Which upsets Orlando just when he had a bag packed and was ready to commit to Viggo and to spending a whole night with him. It was a great story and I am hoping this rings a bell with another fan and they can point me in the right direction, I would love to read this again! I knew if I was ever to find this again my best bet would be posting here.
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