ADMIN: coupla'-three things

Apr 02, 2008 13:15

First, a couple of followups to last week's admin message:

1) I've had a request or two for people to stop editing their posts to strike through the query after a story is found. I think this is a good idea. People who browse through the community later may have a problem reading the request and knowing whether they want to click on the comments to see if there's something they want to read.

From now on, if you want to indicate that someone has found what you're looking for, please only edit to add a note at the bottom that says Found: etc., possibly with a link to what you were looking for and thanks to whoever you want to thank for locating it. (The bold command is a < b > to open and < /b > to close - take out the extra spaces.)

2) I had a couple of questions about tagging, and this is not the first time. I'm going to go ahead and switch the comm to a style that supports a tag list in one column down the side. Meanwhile, please let me know, in comments here or via email, which tags you would find useful. I'd probably settle for author, pairing, genre, kink and source (i.e., LOTR-movie, LOTR-book, POTC, Sharpe, etc) and possibly a FPF v. RPF distinction - but if there are other tags that you would find useful and I'm not thinking of, please let me know.

Note the first: when I say "genre," I mean fannish distinctions like h/c or AU, as well as more common genres such as SF, fantasy, etc.

Note the second: When I say "kink," I mean that very broadly, to include things like wingfic or mpreg, as well as things like non-con or bondage.

In addition to any other tags you'd like to see, please let me know which specific tags you think should go under "kink" and "genre."

I'll do another followup post on the tags after I hear from y'all on it.

And a note:

3) I've set up backups for this community and its sister comm, lotrip_resource, at InsaneJournal. These are located at "lotrip_finders" and "lotrip_resource." PLEASE NOTE the lack of "s" in the "lotrip_finders" community name. It is "lotrip," not "lotrips." Someone already used the name "lotrips_finders" at IJ to create a RSS feed of this LJ-based journal on that account.

I am not planning a move off of LJ for the community at this time. These journals are backup only, so that we have the names available and an established place ready to go to, if a move becomes necessary or LJ goes down for any reason (anyone else remember the LJ Outage of 2005?). Just know that they're there.

Questions? Comments?


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