This is not a new chapter, it is a repost of earlier chapters to this comm.
Author: SuthunFox
Rating: maybe?
Pairing: Monaboyd
Disclaimer: Billy, Dom and Viggo belong to no one but themselves and this never happened. Mal belongs to Joss Whedon and various other corporate entities, none of which I am known to or involved with. I am not making any money from this, only using my (admittedly) overactive imagination.
Summary: Mal gets a job offer he isn't expecting.
A/N: This overall universe is for
xsquotessuch who, so long ago, asked so nicely for monaboyd with Firefly and Viggo thrown in. This ficlet, in particular, is for that kind, gentle and fabulous lady's birthday. ♥
Beta/spot check by
dicorvo. ♥
This is part of an ongoing story. All previous parts can be found
This part immediately after
Dominic didn’t dare lift his head, but he caught the tightening of William’s face from the corner of his eye.