Apr 01, 2007 22:19
it hasn't felt like spring until last week. the 80 degree weather taunting me as i sit in my man-made box at work that defines what i should do throughout the day. concentrating seeming to be far from my brain's functioning. i desired to be out in God's creation, embracing the sunshine like so many of His people have done for thousands of years.
walk/running bringing a new me into spring. the old cocoon has long since fallen and a new creation arose, more beautiful now than ever. not because of who i am but because of Who i know and embrace on a daily basis. i have no control over anything in this world. control is an illusion i have finally begun to realize. God is in control. i wouldn't have it any other way though. He's the Master, the Designer, the Caretaker. He's amazing. a Father with arms that i long to fall into when i reach heaven...but i'm learning to fall into them here on earth, daily.
life has taken so many different roads throughout my lifetime. i've ended up all over the country, having met so many different people from so many places. i long to be that person that is able to keep in contact with all my encounters...but alas, that isn't me. i've started out so many times by myself since high school, stuck a strong face on my body, and opened the door to new things, not taking help along the way. how wrong i was in not allowing God's people into my life. life would have been easier to bare had i allowed his people to help me with my burdens....and allowed the burdens to be taken up into heaven instead of praying the prayer and then pulling those things back out of God's hands. how foolish i have been in SO many ways.
life. how ironic that i often long to have a manual.....it's there...i just need to open and read it. God's Word.....
here's to a new spring..................
p.s. we're supposed to get snow this week....but work with me on this whole spring thing anyways, k?