
Jul 31, 2008 23:12

Name or nickname: Abelarda
Verify that you are over 13. I'm 25, date of birth: 11.12.1982.
Gender: Female.
Stamped as: Denethor, I look like Frodo.
Do you have a gender preference for your match? Yes, I'd like to be matched with a man.

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Definitely introverted, I prefer to keep my feelings to myself.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic, but not passive. Though it may seem strange, my pessimism never lets me give up. Why? Life's a bit of a challenge to me - either I win or I lose. And I hate losing.
Lover or fighter? A fighter, although more intellectual than physical. Plus, I like to fight, to accept challenges, but don't like hurting people.
Mature or immature? Mature, probably, but I'm quite sure that everyone has a child within. And so do I.
Cautious or impulsive? Even though I have a short temper, I always try to think things through; I'm a very cautious person.
Social or loner? Definitely a loner. I hate crowds.
Accepting fate or making your own destiny? I wouldn't say that I believe in fate. One's life depends on the choices he makes. In other words, we all have the power to make our own destiny.
Dominant or submissive?Dominant.
Romantic or not? Define "romantic". I'm a philologist and my view on "how to be romantic" is very... well, gory.

Is your ideal partner more...
Introverted or extroverted? I'd prefer him to be introverted, but I don't think it would work: he probably should be a bit more extroverted than me. But not too extroverted.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Less pessimistic than me. But not too optimistic... I want him to be a realist.
Lover or fighter? A fighter when it comes to life's challenges. Caring, when it comes to me.
Mature or immature? Is there any point in creating a relationship with someone who is emotionally immature? Besides, I want a partner, not a child.
Cautious or impulsive? Controlled. And not as short-tempered as me.
Social or loner? More of a loner. I can understand the need for privacy. If he'd be social, he'd probably try to socialize me, too, and wouldn't give me enough privacy.
Accepting fate or making your own destiny? My own destiny? Or his? Well, anyway I don't want him to believe in fate.
Dominant or submissive? I like people with strong personalities, but if he'd try to dominate me, I'd surely fight back. So he should also know the meaning of partnership, of compromise.
Romantic or not? See my previous explanation. But if by 'romantic' you mean 'sentimental', then no.

Do you prefer a partner who is like you, or do you believe that opposites attract? Neither. My partner shouldn't be my exact copy, but we should share some traits and views.
What are some traits you like in a partner? Not that I believe in ideals - I'm too realistic to search for my ideal significant other; I'm perfectly aware of the fact that I have to learn how to accept his flaws. But there are some things that I like in men. Basically, he should be intelligent. Strong enough to be there for me when I need him. Loyal enough to make me trust him, even if I don't trust easily. Mature, responsible, dependable. With a good sense of humour.
...and some traits you absolutely cannot stand in a partner? I can forgive many flaws. But I could not stand jealousy. I need a lot of freedom; I would never betray him, but I hate to be controlled. I would give him enough space, too: if I manage to trust someone, I am not jealous. But if he betrays me once, I'll never trust him again.
What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship? Trust; the feeling that you can count on someone.
What would you like to do on a date (especially a date in Middle Earth)? I wouldn't call it a 'date'; it shouldn't be something very special. I'd like to go for a long walk - doesn't mater if it's a park or a middle of a city - and see new places, take new challenges. With a lot of talking, many discussions between us. This way we could discover each other.
And what would you not want to do on a date (especially a date in Middle Earth)? I wouldn't want to go to Mordor. Or be ambushed by some orcs. Or something like that.
What do you think your ideal partner would do if he/she found the One Ring? I don't know. And probably he wouldn't know, either. We're talking about extreme situations, after all, and one could never answer the question until the situation occurs.

Anything else you can think of that might help or that I may have left out? No, that would be all.
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