Fic: On the Road to Isengard (Eomer/Aragorn, NC-17)

Dec 18, 2009 15:22

Title: On the road to Isengard
Author: Mitzi / tackerama
Pairing: Aragorn/Eomer
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien. I play with them, but make no profit from them, other than joy.
Notes: Written for alex_quine for The Lord of the Rings Secret Santa 2009. Takes place after the Battle of Helm's Deep, while King Theoden and Gandalf are leading the men to Isengard. Thank you littlemimm for the beta.

The silence of the River Isen was making everybody restless; where once had been a soaring, comforting river now was only an empty riverbed. Aragorn was sitting on a fallen moss covered tree trunk, staring into nothingness, when he heard a twig snap and the dead leaves crackle under the clever feet of one who was not intending to be unheard, but heard by Aragorn alone. Aragorn lit his pipe and waited, curious to see who wanted him at the hour of rest.

"Our victory will be sung by many generations to come."

Eomer's voice was soft, but the undercurrent of excitement made Aragorn lower his pipe and turn towards the younger man. Eomer was standing under a majestic old tree, not far from Aragorn. His eyes burned with a fire that made Aragorn lower his gaze.

"This was just a small victory. A much darker evil still lies ahead of us," he said, trying to calm down the proud Marshal of the Rohirrim.

Eomer took three long strides and knelt in front of Aragorn.

"My lord, together we will have victory."

Aragorn put his right hand on Eomer's shoulder, squeezed gently and leaned in as close to the other man as he dared.

"Times are dark, my friend. Yet I still have hope. The united armies of the brave Men of Rohan and the valiant warriors of Gondor must strike a fatal blow to the forces of Darkness. Our greatest ally is hope. And to that we must put our trust."

The look in Eomer's eyes was a familiar one; determined and honourable, but there was something else; a flicker of curiosity and desire. Aragorn smiled and opened his mouth to speak, but Eomer closed the space between them and caught his lips in an eager kiss.

Aragorn tried to resist, but the force of the kiss lit up something deep inside of him. He had not enjoyed another man's touch in a long time. Eomer pressed closer to him and placed one hand on Aragorn's neck and with the other one he searched for a way to reach bare skin. Eomer's nimble fingers worked their way under Aragorn's layered clothes with surprising ease. The caress of his firm fingers sent shivers throughout Aragorn's body.

He has done this before, Aragorn mused to himself and let his pipe fall to the ground. He wrapped one arm around Eomer and grabbed his golden hair with the other one.

The air stood still, as if waiting for something, and no sound came to Aragorn's keen ears, except the sound of their breathing. Aragorn broke the kiss and pulled Eomer away by his hair. Face to face, lips nearly touching, the two men looked at each other. Aragorn measuring the conviction of the other man. Eomer, smiling wryly, slid his hand beneath the waistband of Aragorn's breeches.

Instinct made Aragorn move his hips forwards to allow Eomer more freedom. A low laughter erupted from the man kneeling in front of the not-yet king of Gondor. Aragorn slid off the tree trunk and forced Eomer to lie on his back to the ground. He pressed himself on top of Eomer and lunged into a kiss, but halted before their lips met. The disappointment in Eomer's eyes was obvious, but Aragorn only laughed and began to move backwards, away from Eomer.

"No," a hoarse whisper escaped from Eomer's lips. He pulled Aragorn towards him and with one elegant movement had him down, his back against the ground. Aragorn made no move to resist; instead he pulled Eomer down into a slow kiss.

The ground was damp, and dead leaves rustled beneath the weight of the two men. Not a soul, human or animal, disturbed the air. Eomer sat up, straddling Aragorn. He loosened his belt and took off his leather tunic and linen shirt. Then he pulled Aragorn up and kissed him. Aragorn caressed the bare skin of his companion with his rough strong hands.

Eomer broke the kiss as he unclasped Aragorn's belt and first took off his cloak then slid his leather tunic off his shoulders. He felt the fine linen of Aragorn's shirt against his bare chest. It was much softer than the fabric of his shirt. The feeling was new and different, but he removed the shirt swiftly, wanting to feel bare skin. Aragorn shivered as he was exposed to the night air.

Eomer reached behind Aragorn to place their tunics and shirts on the ground. He then pushed Aragorn gently down. Eomer unbuttoned his breeches and leaned in to kiss Aragorn's neck, while Aragorn was already sliding Eomer's breeches down from his hips. As fast as an Elven arrow, Aragorn rolled Eomer to the bare ground and pulled his breeches all the way down to his knees then removed Eomer's leather boots and finally the breeches.

The vision in front of him, Eomer completely naked, sent a surge of lust through his entire body. He searched his pockets for a small glass vial and knelt down between Eomer's thighs. He poured a few drops of the clear liquid on his erection. He rubbed the liquid to the whole length of the shaft before leaning in to take Eomer's tumescence into his mouth. Eomer sighed deeply and thrust his hips upwards. Aragorn licked and kissed the head of Eomer's erection, then took it all into his mouth again, applying pressure on the shaft with his lips.

Eomer had tangled his fingers into Aragorn's hair and was breathing very shallowly when Aragorn slid a finger through his ring of muscle. The twisting of the finger and the warmth of Aragorn's mouth around Eomer's erection made him exhale deeply. Suddenly it all stopped. Aragorn pulled away from Eomer, but only to replace his finger with his erection and his mouth with his skilful fingers. His thrust was slow and gentle at first, then faster and harder.

Eomer grabbed on to dirt and fallen leaves with his left hand while placing his right hand over Aragorn's hand, to speed up the strokes and add more pressure. A dark mist was rising all around them, and eerie whispers travelled through the air. Black towers of shadow glided past them, but none of that entered their perception. The earth literally shook under them as the shadows glided past, the shaking accelerating the climax. Eomer arched his back and came with a low groan. Aragorn thrust once more, as deep as possible and climaxed without a sound.

Aragorn fell on top of Eomer, completely spent and trembling. Eomer embraced him and pulled Aragorn's cloak over them to protect them from the chill. Sleep took them, caressed them and gave them much needed rest.

Eomer was the first to wake up from his slumber. The rippling of the river filled the air.

"My lord. Do you hear that? It is the river. The river Isen is flowing again."

Aragorn shook the lingering sleepiness off him reluctantly. He moved carefully to pull himself out of Eomer. They both got up and walked to the river. Aragorn was the first to go into the water and start washing himself. Eomer watched from the riverbank, but succumbed to the coldness when he felt his erection rising again. They bathed and got dressed in silence, both enjoying the comforting sound of the river.

As they headed back towards the camp, Eomer halted and whispered: "My lord, I will wait here for a while." Aragorn nodded, kissed him softly, and then he was gone.


character:aragorn, pairing:aragorn/eomer, 2009, for:alex_quine, character:eomer, rating:nc-17, by:tackerama, type:fanfic, genre:slash, peoples:men

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