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Dec 24, 2007 19:47

The LotR_sesa for Zhie. Prompt...riding in the rain

In the Rain: Two Stories

In the Rain
For Zhie
Prompt : Riding in the Rain
Pairing : Glorfindel/Erestor
Rating: R
Disclaimer: No profit, no claim of ownership
Number One
Summary: A ride home
Lightening streaked the sky in multitudes of silver ribbons. The thunder that cracked overhead shook the earth itself. Rain fell in biting shards drowning an already soddened pathway making the journey increasingly dangerous at slow pace, deathly at the speed Glorfindel urged Asfaloth forward. The normally sure footed elven steed struggled to remain so, doing what he was bidden only because he understood the urgency of the request. His master was injured though that was not the reason for the haste. Glorfindel carried important documents for his lord, papers that more than one elf and mortal had risked life for. Asfaloth also understood that the golden haired elf had another reason for wanting to return home. It was a personal reason that Glorfindel would not rate above his duty, but Asfaloth knew his heart, close to Glorfindel in the way of his forbears. A lover awaited and they had been away from the valley for many turns of the light. Asfaloth himself was eager to stand in the warm stables and drink the spring water, tired of the river water.
Glorfindel scanned the sky finding no relief from the drenching. His hood dripped water onto his face blinding him before he could blink it away, the rest of the garment clung to him, for the most part protecting him from the driving wind, for the rest hindering his movements as much as the sword wound to his side. He had been careless in his haste, cursing more than once the manner of his injury. Erestor’s reaction to his plight would not be any more pleasant than the weather and Glorfindel did not relish that either, but his lover would warm to him quicker than the current situation he found himself in.
While Erestor understood from long experience the life of a warrior, it did not excuse him from the worry and hurt each time Glorfindel rode out, experience had also taught him how mortal the immortal could be when faced with the end of a sword or a shaft of an arrow. He had seen so much death and pain that his dreams could not help but be overlaid with such knowledge. That, at any time the deathly pale body returned could be the one he loved, was too much of a vivid image at times for him to contemplate. It was to rid himself of these reflections that he immersed himself in his duties, working under the candlelight night after night. Elrond kept a careful watch over his friend, he would not have him exhaust himself, yet he knew well the feeling of helplessness as one waited.
The smile was kind as he handed the glass of mulled wine to Erestor, joining him in his vigil at the window.
“The weather is not generous to the ones abroad this night,” Erestor murmured, sipping the wine then holding the mug between his hands.
Elrond shook his head, sipping at his own drink. “No, it does not encourage travel.”
“Yet he will, he knows the import of what he carries.”
“Yes,” Elrond agreed, “he will come, but he will not take risks Erestor, the news he brings will be useless unless we receive it, he will take shelter if the need comes, to ensure its delivery.”
Erestor did not shift his gaze from the dark, closing his eyes to the thunder that cracked overhead and the sheets of rain that plummeted from the sky. “He will push to the very limit of endurance, I will trust to Asfaloth to observe some sense rather than Glorfindel.” Erestor managed a laugh at the thought. “He is often reckless.”
“Perhaps, but not without some due consideration to the consequences,” Elrond returned, though he did chuckle, “ had he not taken some risk, there would be no ring circling your finger.”
Erestor glanced at the silver band. He had not made it easy for the captain of Imladris at all to court him and it had taken patience and courage for Glorfindel to continue his pursuit when a lesser being would have chosen a less thorny path. “He risked much to convince me,” Erestor recalled.
“He measured the consequences had he not.”
Erestor continued to watch the lightning streaked sky, unsure whether he was assured or not by Elrond’s words. “Stay safe,” he whispered, Elrond standing with him drinking the remains of the wine in silence.
The rain tumbled harder as the valley came into view. Asfaloth sensed his companion’s seeping energy, the struggle to stay upright faltering to have Glorfindel slumped against his neck. With care he navigated along the path that wound down the hills, so familiar to him that it mattered not that the wind blurred his vision, sure steps would bring them both home. Already Asfaloth could hear the call above the roar of the skies and his pace quickened just a little.
Above the flash of lightening Erestor’s heart rose, the darkness of the night giving way for just a moment to reveal the cloaked rider atop a white horse. It was to be as equally painful to observe the slow progress as it had been to wait unknowing. Each flare of light saw the horse and rider inch closer, Erestor was hard pressed to remain closeted within the walls. When the time came when all was lost to view, it was only Elrond’s hand on his shoulder that stayed him.
“Tis only the trees that obscure our view,” he assured, “they will be in the courtyard within the hour.”
It was less than the hour when Asfaloth delivered his charge, met by the grooms to enjoy his just reward in a warm stable, Glorfindel summoning the energy to dismount with grace, delivering his missive to Elrond before gratefully falling into the arms of his lover.
Freed from wet clothes, bathed, bandaged and seated by the fire, Glorfindel was cradled once more in loving arms, sleeping soundly, Erestor stroking the drying hair, caressing the soft skin of his cheek.
“Welcome back,” he whispered.
In response Glorfindel stirred only a little, his arm tightening around Erestor’s waist, his head nestling against his shoulder. Erestor kissed the golden hair, waiting until Glorfindel settled once more, smiling with relief that he had been returned, rubbing his cheek over his head slowly, thankful for the love they shared.
“Thank you,” he murmured to the Valar for their wisdom, watching the fire burn low, remembering his pain at separation, recalling his joy at reunion, understanding that this was his lot, and not being able to regret any of it, not when it brought him this warrior to his heart and to his bed.
Gently he lifted Glorfindel, taking them both to bed. With a tender kiss he lay his head next to Glorfindel’s, a further smile as he caught a glimpse of the future.

Number Two
Summary: A Celebration
It was not right.
Glorfindel sighed at he put the curtain back in place shielding his eyes from the pounding rain outside. He looked at the still sleeping figure on his bed, the reminiscing of the previous night’s activities the only highlight thus far in what should have been a perfect day.
Perhaps the Valar were against him for his past indiscretions, and those of the future, that they had chosen this day to drench Middle Earth in soaking rain.
The ring on his finger caught the flickering candle light as he made his way back to the bed, maybe that would have to substitute for the missing light of the sun. His lover did not stir as he lay on the bed, arms folded over his stomach as he considered the ceiling above. The white painting was dotted with golden flowers, so small that only an elf would be able to distinguish the petals on each. They reminded him of what he had lost, just as the one by his side reminded him of what he had gained, and he would not give up one to salve the other.
There was a gentle knock on the door to indicate the arrival of breakfast. Glorfindel tied the robe around his waist as he walked to answer the summons. The tray held the fruits, bread, honeys and teas he had requested the evening before. Someone had added the red flowers that he recognised, raising one to gauge its scent before taking hold of the tray to set it down on the table, thanking the young elf before going back to the window.
It had been half in his mind to ask that the request for later in the day be forgotten. The rain still streamed down making a picnic on the river bank a less than ideal location. And it was to have been so perfect, a re-enactment of exactly one year past.
It had not rained that day. The land had been bathed in bright light and the river had sparkled. Glorfindel had stumbled his way through the practiced words, his heart thumping in his chest, his mouth dry, wishing it were a battalion of orcs he faced rather than one elf. Erestor had been of little assistance while knowing all along what it was that Glorfindel was attempting to say. Later he had confessed that he had been anxious also, willing the words from his lover’s mouth. In the end both had found the words though Erestor’s had been the simpler, a single word in reply.

Glorfindel relaxed into the embrace of his lover, turning in the arms that held him, surrendering to the kiss, welcoming the warmth of another body pressed to his, welcoming this one’s exploration with his hands and mouth.
“What occupies your thoughts my love?”
Glorfindel laughed. “You.”
Erestor joined him, kissing him once more before sighting the breakfast. “Hungry?”
Glorfindel kissed along the curve of Erestor’s neck. “Hmmm.”
Erestor moved away playfully smacking his arm. “Enough of that,” he laughed, allowing one more kiss, “later, when I have recovered somewhat.”
“Come then ancient one.” Glorfindel glanced to the window before sitting at the table, pouring the tea into the cups. The rain seemed to be abating, the sun more determined in its attempt to push the clouds away. Perhaps after all the day would not be lost.
Erestor sipped the tea and nibbled on the fruit and bread Glorfindel had placed on his plate. He watched the one he held above all others watch the drizzling rain, using the distraction to study the beautiful face that matched the soul within. He had had no second thoughts on aligning himself with this elf. It had not been the legends but the sincerity and loyalty that had attracted him to the warrior, the deep commitment that he shared for this land and its people. No second thoughts and no hesitation when Glorfindel had asked him to share his life for eternity. Had it really been one full turn of seasons? It had passed so swiftly, Erestor too happy to note each day as separate. He smiled softly to himself thinking that this was how he wanted and would spend his life.
“What occupies your thoughts?” a gentle voice chided.
Erestor blinked. “You.”
Glorfindel sighed. He could sense the emotions of his companion, it swayed him between joy and melancholy. “I had hoped for a better day, on this day of all,” he frowned.
Erestor touched his hand. “It hardly matters.”
Glorfindel nodded half convinced. “Still I had thought........”
“Then let us still.”
Glorfindel stared then looked out of the window. “It rains still.”
Erestor lifted one eyebrow. Glorfindel shook his head, grinning. “ I love you”
“As I love you.”
Elrond stood on the balcony watching the two elves ride off in the rain, their cloaks flying behind them, their laughter infectious as it wafted toward him. He smiled.

They slowed to a canter as they left the valley for the next, the rain smattering on their faces, Glorfindel throwing back his hood, the rain sticking his blond hair to his back. Ahead the droplets reflected the light into a myriad of colours. Erestor nodded ahead, holding out his hand as they trotted together.
“A perfect day,” Erestor announced, looking to Glorfindel,” just as last time.”
Glorfindel grinned. “So Counsellor, “ he began not so tongue tied this time, “will you bind with me?”
Erestor stared ahead, giving the impression of considering the choices, then he faced Glorfindel, a smile suppressed for the moment. The answer this time, one year later, was no different.
“Yes, Captain, yes.”
Glorfindel felt the warmth of the day on his face, the rain clearing to bright blue skies. It was a perfect day.

rating:r, pairing:erestor/glorfindel, 2007, for:zhie, by:suemichave, peoples:elves, type:fanfic, genre:slash, character:erestor, character:glorfindel

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