Theoden/Eomund for alex_quine

Dec 22, 2007 03:24

Title: The Longest Night
Author: Kimber Leigh
Pairing: Theoden/Eomund
Rating: Nc-17
Disclaimer: So not mine, they belong to J.R.R Tolkien and other people who are not me.
Archive: Ask first please.
Author's Notes: Written for alex_quine for the lotr_sesa challenge. Their request was for a horse lord and someone else, and ice and fire. I hope you enjoy :)

It was the Longest Night, and all over The Mark fires were burning brightly. It was tradition that the head of each household would stay up and tend the fires until the sun rose the next morning. For if a fire was to go out on this night, it signaled a year of hardship for that house.

The Golden Hall was no different. It was the King's duty to tend to the fire in the great hall until morning, and it was a duty that Theoden took very seriously. This was the first year he tended the fire on his own, and since the death of his father he was determined to set the best example for his people.

* * *
Eomund rolled onto his back and sighed loudly. No matter how much he willed it, sleep continued to elude him. Since his mind would not quiet, Eomund knew he would not be falling asleep soon.

Dressing quickly, he left his room to search out the only person who could quiet his mind and help to sleep. Eomund knew that he would still be awake.

The Golden Hall was quiet, everyone had gone to bed hours before. Eomund knew his quarry was not one of them.

He found Theoden in the main hall, lounging on a fur filled pallet, staring into the fire, a book forgotten on his lap. His favorite hunting dog lay beside him, and his fingers absently petting the dog's head.

Eomund stood quietly in the doorway, watching the light and shadow play over Theoden's features. His heart stirred at the sight of him. He was still the most handsome man Eomund had ever known.

He must have made a noise, because he was soon pinned to his hiding place by a pair of sharp green eyes.

Theoden smiled at Eomund, “Have you come to keep me company Eomund?”

“If it pleases you Sire.” Theoden frowned.

“I'm not your King, not yet.” Theoden left the rest unsaid. Both of them knew how that would change once morning dawned and brought his coronation with it, “Come, sit with me.”

Eomund sat next to Theoden on the pallet, his body finding its regular place against Theoden's. Theoden was a warm and solid presence and Eomund could feel the ice that surrounded him begin to melt.

Eomund had been totally out of his depth when he first came to Edoras. Theoden, sensing his discomfort, had taken him under his wing. It wasn't long before they bonded. In Eomund, Theoden found the brother he never had. An Eomund found a mentor. Theoden taught him how to fight, cheat at cards and tame the wildest of horses. In turn he taught Theoden much about Rohan, things that he hadn't learned growing up in Gondor.

It wasn't long before their friendship grew into something deeper, and more intimate. They kept their relationship a secret, but Eomund always suspected that King Thengel knew, but was happy to over look it because Theoden never used it as an excuse not to do his duty. In every respect he was the perfect son. Eomund loved Theoden and he knew that Theoden loved him, and that was enough. Even Theoden's betrothal to Elfhild did not cast a shadow in their relationship. But the sudden, unexpected death of Thengel changed everything, and they both knew it.

“What are you thinking about?” Theoden asked when Eomund had been quite for too long. He knew his lover was brooding over something.

“The past, tomorrow, how I wish none of this was happening .”

“Trying to stop change, is like trying to stop the sun from rising. But I know how you feel. I'm not ready for this.”

“You will make a wonderful king.” Theoden's only response was to lay his head on Eomund's shoulder.

“This isn't about the coronation tomorrow, is it?” He whispered into Theoden's hair, placing a soft kiss on his temple. Theoden shook his head.

“Not just the coronation.”

“Do you love her?” Eomund asked, suddenly very serious. They both knew who he spoke of.

“I do, in a way.” Theoden replied.

“What does that mean?”

“It means I care deeply for her well being. I will do what is in my power to keep her from harm. It means that I will try hard to be a good husband. But I do not burn with passion for her. You are the only one who wakes such feelings in me.”

“Theoden.” was all Eomund could say. He could feel the mood in the room shift, Theoden was never very good at hiding his desire. Eomund was leery, he was afraid if he let himself feel desire for Theoden again, it would rip out his heart when Theoden wed Elfhild in two weeks time.

“Dawn is hours away, everyone is still asleep. When the morning comes everything will change. Let us have one final night together as comrades. One final night worthy of remembrance.”

Theoden gently took hold of Eomund's chin, turning his head so he could kiss him. As the kiss deepened, Eomund felt the last of his resistance slip away, and he knew he would never refuse his king anything.

Theoden's kiss was strong, but not demanding. His fingers twined in his hair, tugging lightly, but Eomund didn't care. Nothing else mattered to him, nothing existed outside of the fire and the hall. Eomund could feel the heat coming from Theoden, and he was drawn to it, just like he had been all those years ago. Time would change them, they would grow old, but nothing would ever change how he felt. He would love no one the way he loved Theoden.

It was not the hurried encounter that Eomund was expecting. Theoden took his time, undressing them both with care, taking time to touch and enjoying touching every part of Eomund's body. Whenever Eomund tried to hurry, Theoden just kissed him until he became still again. He was delirious with pleasure by the time Theoden pulled a small vial of oil from under the pillow. Eomund laughed.

“You knew I was coming to you tonight.”

“No, I hoped, but I didn't know.”

“No, you knew.” Eomund replied, kissing Theoden soundly and taking the vial from him. Theoden rolled over onto his back, so Eomund was straddling his lap. He ran his hands over Eomund's thighs.

“Ride me.” He whispered.

“As you wish.” And after a few fumbling movements, he did just that.

Eomund rode him long and hard, nearing the end they were both sweating and grunting with the effort. Theoden grasped Eomund's erection and stroked him firmly. After a few strokes Eomund came first, followed closely by Theoden. The sounds of their orgasms sallowed by the other as they kissed long and hard.

“Sleep Eomund, it has been a long day. I will be here when you wake.” Theoden's voice pierced the haze of Eomund's mind, and after a few moments of trying to fight it, he fell into a warm and blissful sleep.

* * *
Upon waking, it took him a few moments to remember where he was and what had happened. As the memories of the previous night came back, a smile formed on his lips. It was only then he realized that he was alone on the pallet. Bolting up right, his eyes scanned that hall for Theoden. He had his back to Eomund, placing more logs on the fire.

'How is the fire?” Eomund asked.

“Still burning brightly, it will be a good year.” Theoden looked back at Eomund and smiled.

He returned to his make shift bed and embraced Eomund. They kissed.

“So I was just thinking.”

“That is never a good thing.” Theoden joked.

“No, I'm being serious. I was thinking maybe I should get married, then we can be old married men together.” That brought a laugh from Theoden.

“Theodwyn likes you. She would make you a fine wife.”

“She's just a child.”

“She's only a year younger then you. She is a fine woman. Beautiful in body and spirit. And she has great skill with a blade, any man would be honoured to have her as his wife.”

“Is it your command I marry her?” Eomund lowered his eyes, he didn't want a fight, not now, not after the night they had shared.

“No, not a command. I would never command anyone to marry without affection. But I would like it very much. We would truly be brothers.”

“Well then I will think about it.”

“Good.” Theoden pressed Eomund into the furs and they kissed again.

A low cough caught their attention. They looked up to find Eothan, the steward standing close by. His face a perfect mask.

“Sire, the keep is beginning to waken. It would be best if you returned to your rooms and began to prepare for this mornings proceedings. Everything is ready for you.”

Untangling himself from Eomund, Theoden stood, heedless of his undress. “Yes, you are right. I'll break my fast while I prepare. And bring enough for two.”

“As you wish Sire.” Eothan bowed slightly and was gone as quickly as he arrived.

“Come on Eomund, it would not do for either of us to embarrass the ladies of the court.” He held out his hand and Eomund eagerly took it.

“Yes Sire.”

Theoden squeezed his hand, but didn't correct him. Morning had dawned and everything was different.

character:eomund, pairing:eomund/theoden, 2007, by:kimberleigh_, for:alex_quine, rating:nc-17, character:theoden, type:fanfic, genre:slash, peoples:men

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