LotR Secret Santa Masterlist--

Dec 25, 2006 00:58

Happy Holidays, everyone! Please enjoy the brand-new LotR stories! Writers, please remember to not post your stories anywhere else until January 1, although of course you're free to link to them.

Thanks for making this another successful lotr_sesa! We hope everyone's been having as much fun as we have. There is one more story to look forward to in the next few days, and then we'll have a complete roster for this year.

ETA (12/30/2006): The final story has been posted and added to the list! Hooray!

All stories are sorted first by general pairing (Men and Elves, Hobbits and Interspecies), then alphabetically by title. Summaries have been included when provided.

Men and Elves

Eagle of the Star by alex_quine, for littlemimm
(Denethor/Thorongil; R)

Eyes of the Tower by slashfairy, for annmarwalk
(Thorongil/Denethor; R)

Gondor's Need by savageseraph, for cbpotts
(Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17)

Gratitude by caras_galadhon, for alex_quine
(Aragorn/Boromir; G; At Yuletide, Aragorn counts his blessings.)

If Ever by annmarwalk, for caras_galadhon
(Denethor/Thorongil; PG-13)

Mellon by ithiliana, for slashfairy
(Éowyn, Arwen; G; Éowyn and Arwen talk about what it's like to love the Ranger/King, knowing that his heart belongs to someone who is neither of them.)

Mine by isha_libran, for savageseraph
(Faramir/Eowyn; R)

One Night In Rohan by cbpotts, for kimberleigh_
(Theodred/Eowyn/Eomer; R; There's good mead in Rohan. Smutty fun ensues.)

Silver Rain by empy, for talullahred
(Elladan/Haldir; PG-ish)

Stars in His Eyes by lindelea1, for isha_libran
(Aragorn/Arwen; G; We are, perhaps, the sum of our past.)

Untitled by butterballer, for empy
(Faramir/Eomer; PG-15)

A Yule Gift by talullahred, for butterballer
(Éomer/Aragorn; NC-17; Young Éomer tries to make up for a rough beginning with a very warm demonstration of Rohirrim hospitality and Yule spirit.)

Hobbits and Interspecies

Beginnings by shirasade, for lindelea1
(Merry/Estella; G; Estella Bolger had not really noticed Meriadoc Brandybuck before.)

One Night in Ithilien by kimberleigh_, for aprilkat
(Faramir/Frodo; Hard R)

Pity and Honour by aprilkat, for ithiliana
(Faramir/Frodo; PG; Faramir hears a voice in his head. Missing scenes from the movie.)

Tea-time by littlemimm, for elgato_gamgins
(Frodo/Sam; PG; A mistletoe on Frodo's doorstep and a kiss. However, not the way one would originally imagine.)

Untitled by elgato_gamgins, for shirasade
(Merry/Pippin; PG; They love each other and that's all that matters.)

2006, .masterlist

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