Name: D
Age: 20
Sex: Lady
Location: Ah, that's a secret.
Zodiac/Birth Sign: Sun-Cancer Rising-Libra Moon-Scorpio Chinese-Wood Ox
Height: 5'5''
Eyes: Blue
Hair (Color/Length): Auburn, long and curly.
Hobbies: cooking, stratagy games
Likes:i like solitude, coffee, tea,cats,bathing,potatoes, nice fall days, a good card game, reading, just generally stuff that doesnt involve anybody else. (except for cards games that is)
Dislikes:strawberries,people who chew ice with their mouths open, people who bother me, people who make small talk in the bathroom (i mean seriously, it's a bathroom), dogs, children, noise,rain, stupidity, loud and brash behavior, people who talk incessantly about nothing of importance,people who waste my time, and liars
Strong points:let's see i'm logical,strong willed,loyal,creative,honest,responsible,reliable,calm (most of the time), charismatic (not by choice mind you, it just happens), and intelligent. i also have a sense of humor that certain people seem to appriciate.
Weaker points:i tend to be cold, distant, a bit eccentric,short tempered, easily annoyed, shy, insecure and (i hate saying this but) i have low self esteem. I have a tendancy to turn tail if i get afraid of my feelings or lash out at everyone. I do feel bad later for my behavior though.
What are some of your talents/skills? cooking, stratagy games
What is your current occupation? (if still in school, just say so) I work in the office of a grocery store, but I dont want to do that much longer beacuse I'd actually like to be working in a resturant.
(Please simply place an "X" beside any statements that pertain to you. BE HONEST!)
You can sing.
You are crafty. X
You are good at making people laugh. X
You are wise. X
You are street-smart.
You are graceful/elegant. X
You are a good leader. X
You don't fall under pressure.
You are determined.X
You are elusive.X
You stand behind your beliefs no matter WHAT the consequence.X
You can be obsessive.X
You aren't conventional.X
You are easily misled.
You tend to usually get what you want.X
You are scatter-brained.
You are a dominant individual.
You have trouble with descion-making.
When you want something, you let NOTHING stand in your way.X
You are blunt and brash.X
You often feel unappreciated.X
You are considered "cold-hearted" at times.X
You are conniving.
You tend to over-eat.
Others find you intimidating.X
You are often attracted to the "dark side" of things.
You'd betray your family/friends if it meant getting something you wanted.
You'd do anything for love.X
You like to party.
You love the outdoors.
You are physically strong.
You believe in magic/the unknown.
Color: blue
Smell: old books or fresh laundry
Food:mayonnaise, noodles, egg rolls, cheese cake,potatoes, poatato chips,cookies, chocolate covered espresso beans,green tea ice cream, chocolate in general
Place: I dont have a favorite place.
Music: I dont like music enough to have a specific favorite. I just like whatever doesnt irritate me.
Impulse or thinking things through? Thinking things through. I really can't stand when people just jump headfirst into things without going over the consquences of their actions.
Mind over heart or heart over mind? Mind over heart. Emotions tend to cloud things and are useless in certain situations. With your mind first though, you have something solid to help you secure that you meet your goal.
Pride or humility? Pride. I'm very proud and I dont want anybody messing with it.
Selfishness or selflessness? Whatever the situations calls for. Everybody is open to being selfish and selfless at certain times.
Excitement or serenity? Serenity. Excitment gets me all riled up and flustered. A can't stand it when things are feeling chaotic.
Pleasure or sacrifice? sacrifice
Slow and steady or quick and complete? quick and complete. i'm pretty impatient.
Magic or weapons? i think weapons are more effciant, controlable, and reliable.
If you were part of The Company of the Ring, what 5 things would you bring on your journey? a blanket, a book, soap, some sort of medicine, and i dunno, some sort of trinket that reminds me of somebody i care about.
Describe yourself in one word: mysterious
Got any dreams or aspirations? to be a Master Chef and own my own resturant.
What would you say is your motto? "Live life for yourself, bound by nothing" heh, that's not really my saying, it's my paraphrase of an old buddhist saying.
Anything else? nah
Out of curiousity, how did you find this community? Master List of rating links.
Please attach at least 1 clear photo of yourself:
me with glasses, i dont wear them anymore though.