Spring Break

Mar 06, 2008 16:56

My first post of the year 2008! Craziness! I'm pretty excited that tomorrow afternoon begins my Spring Break. I'm not disliking school QUITE as much this semester (so far) as last semester, but I still count down the days til I get to go home. When I got here, I was like okay, six weeks! And now... one day! Yay!

Nothing really exciting, dramatic, or remotely interesting has happened to me at school so far, haha. My life, it seems, is relatively quiet and somewhat boring I suppose to others, but I like it. Most of the drama I have seen this past year has been others' dramas and thankfully not my own.

This is a random story, but the other day around 8 o'clock pm, I was walking to my Italian T.A. Session and there was this guy walking his dog. It set up like any regular horror film would, night, alone, misty and foggy. As I approached them, the dog came up to me so I pet him and said, "I love dogs." The guy, who was wearing a raincoat and had the hood over his head, said "He can tell" and pulled down the hood.... and..... it was Michael Roth, the President of Wesleyan. It was so hilarious to me, and we talked for a couple of minutes about the primaries and whatnot. Just the fact that he comes across as so creepy had me laughing the rest of the walk to my session... I just felt the need to share, haha.

Nothing much else has happened to me, though I have developed a new found love for Gone With the Wind. I still need to finish the book for class, but I loved the film and what I've read of the book. I still love Pride and Prejudice and am loving the class for which I read these types of novels. That class is Resisting the Romance in Black and White and Technicolor (English/African American Studies 129), my other classes this semester are Being and Becoming Human (Anthropology 101), Dynamic Earth (Earth and Environmental Studies 101), and Introductory Italian 102. I'm not really sure what it is that I want to do with my life. For a while I was thinking E&ES, but I'm not sure I care enough about the other sciences that are involved with that major. I'm thinking at the moment about English, a far cry from Astronomy, but hey plans change. So yeah.... there's my update, sorry not terribly interesting!

Just something I thought was funny:

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