Dec 10, 2005 14:45
This week has been one of the longest that I can remember; during school and after school too.
Mon - Band practice 4:00-5:45
Tues - Band 'Winter' Concert 7:00-9:30-ish
Wed - can't even remember but I think it involved a mall, ugh
Thurs - Marble Falls with Student Council 4:00-10:15-ish
Fri - went to see Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, left the Quarry around 11, stayed at Yvette and Yvonne's
Sat - Got home around 12
I'm tired, but I need to memorize this thing for theatre, bleh. At first the class was alright, but now I just want out. I don't even need the class, but I'll probably end up sticking with it... unless I decide to get out and take gym. Why gym? I still need half a credit of that, because I'll get the other half next year with band. Why, oh why, Stephanie, didn't you just stay in band from freshman year? Because I was lazy and didn't want to get up that early. *tsk tsk tsk*
We got progress reports on Thursday I think it was.
1) Band - 47
2) PSAT - 100
3) Theatre - 93
4) English - 86
5) Pre-cal - 90
6) History - 90
7) Russian - 100
47... I know, I'll get it straightened out... I hope. Damn, Kulesza for losing my effing paper and I need to make up a test in Pacheco. I must get out of this "rut" of hating my classes. I only don't mind History right now. Gah, damn my complaining mind. Band is just gah, I don't feel like playing, I do, but I don't feel like it half the time. PSAT class, we do nothing... at all. It's only alright, because of that and a lot of people are in there. Theatre... so tired of it and Mrs. White's shrill voice. English... wow, what to say, I'd like it more if I had a teacher who didn't always tell Yvonne and I to be quiet, and considering that while everyone else could be talking (and this has indeed happened a few times this MONTH alone) she will tell only us to be quiet. Eff you man, eff you. =P Pre-cal, okay, okay, I like to do math, but Kulesza's just weird, not good weird, like freaky, creeping one out weird. History, pretty much fun, I get to read the paper, well, do sudoku in there, so I don't mind, plus I get to hear Castro butcher Country songs. Russian, we haven't really done anything and learning the chapters of the book from students teaching it to us, teaches us nothing, especially when they don't even know what they're talking about. Aaaaaaanyway, moving on, ah, nice to get that out, hahaha, okay.
Marble Falls was fun, twasn't too cold AND I wasn't forced to eat a hamburger, haha. Woo! We had a crazy waiter, totally gay and totally fun. ;) Then these two other guy waiters. They looked the same, around 18, same haircut, I couldn't help but laugh, they looked completely emo. Nice.
Chronicles of Narnia was really good. I recommend it. ;) Lots of kids in the theatre, but besides that I thought it was great. Twas PG for the fight scenes I suppose, but those weren't even bad. Not enough blood or killing. *wink wink* Crazy comments during the movie had us laughing a lot, but I stress quietly, hehe. After the movie we went to Starbucks and Borders. They have some intersting books there, haha. I'm watching Celebrity Poker Showdown, hehe, woo for cards! We were playing gin yesterday, hahaha, Yvette, Yvonne, Bianca and I.
On Friday in Castro's this song came on, on his laptop, and everyone was talking yet somehow I heard the violin and I was like, "Katie! Stop, listen." "What?" "Just listen." So we went to his desk and it was indeed this song. I'm movin' on. So we sat down, on one chair mind you, damn you Katie, and your big butt! ;) Me, Katie, and Castro were all just swaying and mouthing the words and at times actually singing. It's hilarious how off Castro sings! I told Katie, after the chorus, "I love the second verse." And Castro goes-"Right?!" Twas hilarious, then Indian (I forgot her name... Emily?) came up to the desk and I put up a finger as to wait and she was looked so confused, then when the song was over she talked. I must say Castro looked appreciative, hahahaha, aaaaaaaaand I wanted to hear the rest of the song (haven't listened to them this week, really). Hahahaha, okay, I'm done.