The ties are finally broken!
Challenge Three is over and we have to say goodbye to three more people. Thank you for participating and stay tuned for a special challenge in the future where people who have been eliminated from the competition can try to get back in!
viggorliforever with 17 negative votes. (-18+1=-16)
vampirereverie with 14 negative votes.
fabi7 with 8 negative votes.
And the favorites!
Voters' choice:
elea24 with 6 positive votes.
Congratulations, you have immunity for the next challenge! You still have to submit an icon (unless you request a bye), but you cannot be eliminated.
Mod's choice:
arbuusI love the cropping and text.
All negative and positive votes are added together to create your final score. For example, if an icon gets 5 negative votes and 2 positive votes, the score is -3. If an icon gets 6 negative votes and 4 positive votes, the score is -2. The -3 gets eliminated, even though the other icon got more negative votes. Positive votes can save you from being eliminated.
01. +1
02. -14
03. -6
04. -2+2=0
05. -6+4=-2
06. -8
07. -5
08. -2
09. -5+1=-4
10. -7
12. +6
13. -1
14. -18+1=-17
15. +4
16. -1
18. -6+1=-5
19. -2
20. -5
21. +3
22. +1
23. -1+2=+1
24. -1
25. +4
If your number is not listed, your icon didn't receive any votes.
If you would like to see the comments your icon received, please leave a comment with your icon number and I will send them to you via screened comment. You must have comment e-mails turned on to see my response. All comments will remain anonymous.
Most people gave reasons for their favorite votes as well, so if you got only positive votes, there's a good chance that people still left comments about your icon.
Challenge Four will be posted shortly!