STAND BACK! Megan's going to teach us SCIENCE!!

Sep 17, 2010 14:59

You’d think after going down to Atlanta, Georgia for Dragon*Con the last three years the whole thing would start getting old. Well… not so much, the con may take place in the same place year after year, but thankfully nothing is ever the same!

Dragon*Con 2010 was quite a trip, there were celebrities, there were panels, there was COSPLAY! It was fun all around.

Let’s get down to it, my Dragon*Con report. First our cast of crazy characters:

In order of Appearance: Me, Daddy, Megan, Mark, Ginger, Emily, Elaine, Katy and Daniel.

To break it down further: Daddy is my dad. Megan and Mark are married. Emily, Elaine and Daniel are siblings. Ginger and Katy are my long distance buddies.

Now you know who everyone is, let’s Begin!

So I guess the story begins after the usual Wednesday night karaoke. Megan, Mark and I waited for my dad to arrive at Megan’s house with the van. It was about 3am at this point. After we got the van packed, Emily, Elaine and Daniel met us and then we were on our way.

The drive took about 10-11 hours, which involved much uncomfortable sleeping. I’ve already made a note for next year. DON’T STAY UP ALL DAY AND NIGHT BEFORE DRIVING TO CON!! I think just because I didn’t get a good night’s sleep before we started driving, I was tired all weekend.

Well we finally reached Atlanta… only obstacles we hit were a rock making a tiny crack in the windshield of the RENTAL van and Megan getting pulled over for speeding. Thankfully she only got a warning, but we were worried!

So we get to our hotel, the Days Inn, and start unpacking our cars and heading up to the tenth floor. We passed by our rooms from last year to rooms 1009 and 1007.

I took a quick shower and then we headed down to wait in line for registration. What a line it was. THREE AND A HALF hours was the wait.

Ginger finally joined us and lucked out, Elaine was able to sneak in and get in line to get her badge with myself, my dad, Mark and Megan. Elaine, Emily and Daniel’s last name starts with W, so they had a shorter line, once we got inside the Sheraton.

After getting our badges, we went back to the hotel, piled in the van and went to Vortex for dinner.

Vortex is a great burger place; they have this one burger called the double bypass. The buns are two grilled cheese sandwiches. The burger is covered in 4 slices of cheese, 8 pieces of bacon and two fried eggs. So of course, Mark put my dad up to a challenge. “If you order that burger and finish it, I’ll pay for your dinner.”

Of course my dad did it and succeeded!

After eating dinner, catching up with Ginger and seeing a poodle on a motorcycle. We headed back to the hotel to relax.

The first official day of Dragon*Con. I put on my black skirt, white shirt, Gryffindor tie, gray socks, black mary-janes and my new Gryffindor sweater. Emily had helped me braid my hair the night before so it was nice and frizzy to complete the Hermione look.

Myself, Daddy, Megan, Mark, Elaine and Daniel headed over to the Hyatt to look for a panel to go to. Emily and Ginger stayed in the hotel to get Ginger ready for her big costume contest with Snapdragon. We ran into Katy and headed to a panel about the Hobbit movie.

We learned lots of new info, but mostly it was a guessing game. When was the film finally going to get green lit? Who was going to direct it? Those were some of the questions. It was a really interesting panel and it had me all excited for the movie.

Next Katy, my dad and I went to wait in line for my Weasley Twin photo-op ticket. The line was out the door and outside and it was way to hot to be standing around in my sweater, so I decided to leave that photo-op until Saturday. My dad went off to a panel at the Sheraton about Rocky Horror and Katy and I went to the Sean Astin panel.

While waiting in line for the panel, I tricked a few Potter fans that were looking for the Weasley panel that was happening at the same time. This amused me to no end. This was also my first glimpse of… JEDI SNAPE!

He wasn’t really trying to be Jedi Snape… but I still totally called him that for the rest of the weekend.

We finally got into the panel and I have this to say, I love Sean Astin, he was such a pleasure to meet two years ago at my first Dragon*Con and his panel this year was great. He’s very funny and loves to talk about his experiences.

After Sean Astin, Katy and I went to the food court to get her something to eat. I stood around, watching in amusement the businesspeople staring at all the people in costume around them.

We met up with my dad after leaving the food court; he loved his panel with Patricia Quinn. Then we went to track down Ginger. She was in the preliminary judging room and she looked FANTASTIC!

The room was filled with extremely talented people. We had Steampunk Wizard of Oz, Steampunk Batman and tons of others.

Megan, Mark, Katy and a few others came around to say hello, then rushed out again, promising to be at the actual show later that evening.

I stayed with Ginger and we hung out, and then went backstage before the show started. It was interesting to see how it all worked behind the scenes.

After the contest, Ginger sadly didn’t win but I am amazed at how the judges could have even picked favorites, all the costumes were great. Daddy, me, Megan, Mark, and Daniel went over to hopefully catch Dr. Horrible. Somehow we missed it and ended up sitting there watching the Dragon*Con TV bumpers for an hour. We then left, heading back to the hotel. Megan, Ginger and I decided we wanted to go to this café a few blocks away with Karaoke.

They had the best grilled cheese. We also got cake. Very good cake.

Afterwards, we headed to the Hyatt to check out the drum circle, saw some break-dancing, did a little dancing of our own and then called it a night.

YAY! Saturday, Day of the famous Dragon*Con Parade. Only my dad, Daniel and I attended, everyone else was either sleeping or off doing their own thing. It was great, except for the fact that I had a camera that didn’t like taking non-blurry pictures, which meant I had to record the whole parade. Which means, my friends, you get a video.


After the parade, I had to go dump the video file on my laptop cause it filled up the camera. I headed over to the Marriott to get my Weasley twin photo-op ticket.

Then headed over to the Hilton to get my autographs. I started in Summer Glau’s line, but soon found out it was going to be a VERY LONG wait and I didn’t have much time. So I left and went to get in Sean Maher’s line… he went to lunch. I then walked over to see if Mark Sheppard was around and he too was leaving the table. I left defeated and then found Emily. She was waiting in line for Stan Lee, wearing this awesome outfit.

I then tracked down my dad, who was leaving his I dream of Jeannie panel. We went to wait in line for my Weasley Twin Photo-op. It literally lasted 10 seconds. All I got was…

“OOO! Weasleys! TALL! British!”

One of them said, “Cheers” as I left that sorta made me squee.

After seeing the Twins. Daddy and I headed back to the walk of fame, where I met the fabulous Mark Sheppard.

AND! Vork and Zaboo from the Guild!!

Those two were great; they were quite amused that The Guild DVD was the first thing my dad ever bought online.

We also went and saw Patricia Quinn, who signed my dad’s RHPS cast picture and blew him a kiss.

Then daddy went back to the hotel and I went to wait in line for the firefly panel. It was another LONG line. I sat down, with my I-pod and my book, but was soon joined by Megan and Mark and my dad not long after.

The panel was SO FUNNY. The beginning was mostly Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk, calling Morena and Jewel’s phones with some story about Nathan borrowing Alan’s car and then crashing it. It was really funny. They eventually got around to answering some questions.

It was just as fun as the one two years before.

After the firefly panel, I rushed over to the Westin to wait in line for BROWNCOATS: REDEMPTION! The one big reason I was so excited to go to Dragon*Con this year.

Here is my review for Browncoats: Redemption

Despite the venue, where it was hard to see and hear; the premiere of Browncoats: Redemption was a great movie-going experience.

Redemption is a fan-made film, based on Joss Whedon’s epic but short-lived television series, Firefly and the film Serenity.

It takes place three months after the events in Serenity and deals with a new ship and a new crew. The lead is Captain Laura Matthews, who you learn is very strong-willed, she doesn’t like being talked down to because she is a woman. She feels like she needs to always be a step ahead of the game because she isn’t a man.

Her crew is very likable, but unlike the crew of Serenity, you don’t get that they are a cohesive unit until very late in the movie. As individuals, they are all great.

After we meet the new crew and the new ship, we also get a feeling that our new Captain is hiding something. To a smart movie-goer, you can easily figure out that the captain is the daughter of the alliance minister, BUT that isn’t the twist that comes later on.

When the crew is given a job, they are also given a new pilot, a girl named Petra Jo Chen. She like the captain is a force to be reckoned with; her and Laura do not get along at all when they first meet.

They go on this job, while Laura’s ex-husband, Thadeus Stevens, is hunting them down. He was put on Laura’s tail by her own father.

Once they are tracked down in the town where they are doing the job, Thadeus spills the beans to the crew and they all feel betrayed. Laura explains everything, she says she was once a member of the alliance, she was in an abusive relationship and wanted out. She was on a mission; they took over an Independent ship, where the captain was killed. Laura killed the officers that were with her, and then took on the Independent captain’s identity.

After she tells her story, she goes to face Thadeus. They have a huge fight, but her crew comes to her aid in the end and they defeat him.

This movie had a great story. It was very empowering. You have this woman who was so abused, come back and face her abuser and come out better then before.

This is a must see for ANY Firefly/Serenity fan. I must emphasize that this IS a fan-made film. The audio isn’t great and the editing could have been a little better but the story was able to shine through those little technical things, which is all that matters to me. Those can always be improved. It takes a good story to make a movie and Browncoats: Redemption succeeded in that sense.

You can buy the Browncoats: Redemption DVD from the website: for a $22 donation to various charities. Go check it out!!

I give Browncoats: Redemption an 8 on the Dork-o-Meter.

After Browncoats, we went to a Mexican place that had okay food and HORRIBLE service. We almost got up and left. It was quite bad and it had a gross bathroom…


After dinner, we went back to the hotel. Daddy wanted to go see Patricia Quinn at Rocky and Megan wanted to go to another drum circle. So me, Daddy, Megan and Mark, went back out. I didn’t last too long. Daddy waited in line for Rocky and I headed back to the hotel and went to bed.

Sunday was our big Supernatural photo shoot day with Becca. I don’t have any of her shots yet, but I do have some random pictures I took while we waited for her and while she was taking pictures.

I’ll be posting a link to her photos as soon as I get them!!

After our pictures, we headed over to the Guild panel where we were surprised with seeing the unreleased episode! The episode is out now, but then it was exciting!!

The Q&A with Sandeep, Jeff and the director Sean was great. I love the Guild.

Next Ginger and I headed to get our Summer and Sean autographs. We somehow lucked out and grabbed tickets to Summer’s line and were able to run around for a bit before meeting her.

Sean was great and I got to see Morena, Mark Sheppard, Jeff and Sandeep again, because Ginger didn’t get a chance to see them the day before.

We then went and met Summer, who was amazing. So quiet, but very nice.

With Sean and Summer down, I have SEVEN of the main cast members on my DVD. I just need Gina Torres (Zoe) and Adam Baldwin (Jayne).

*crosses fingers for next year*

Emily and Elaine met us and Elaine was awesome enough to get me the Weasley Twins autograph. They were so awesome!

After the Twins, we headed to wait in line for Jewel Staite who was hiding in another room, with… Brandon Routh. After I got my autographs, I had a new mission. To find Brandon Routh and oogle his arms. Lets just say, I succeeded. They were nice.

So after Jewel. Daddy went and got his picture taken with Barbara Eden, then we went over to Patricia Quinn, cause daddy wanted her picture too. She was nice enough to pose with him for free. It was cute!

After that I went to meet with Elaine and we headed to a screenwriting panel. It was interesting, mostly a bunch of writers bickering with each other and then telling us stuff I had already learned in my screenwriting class.

With new excitement for our own project, Elaine and I headed over to meet the others to see some short films. This segment was called “Twisted Comedies” and oh god were they twisted. These two stuck out the most.

My favorite: Therapy.

And… one that just horrified me: Treevenge.

image Click to view

Afterwards we went and grabbed dinner at the Karaoke café and the split up. Megan, Daddy and I went to a drum circle, where there was dancing. Then poked our heads into the Cruxshadows concert. My dad and I left soon after that started and headed back to the room, to find that our keys didn’t work and neither did anyone else’s in our room. We hung out for a bit, traded pictures and discussed cosplay ideas for 2011.

Monday our group went from eight to five, since Emily, Elaine and Daniel headed home early.

After we said goodbye, Ginger, Mark and I headed to the Firefly panel with Summer Glau and Mark Sheppard. Sadly it was canceled, so we wondered around and saw that there was a Star Wars panel in the Marriott, so we headed over there. Made a new friend along the way and sat through an enjoyable panel, it really made me want to watch the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon.

After the panel we wondered around the dealer’s rooms, I talked to Kelly who is the wife of the director and writer of Browncoats: Redemption for a while and then we met up with Megan, and headed over to Dragon*Con’s got talent.

Surprisingly many of the guests WERE talented. The only issue was the judges and the host. They took up a lot of time talking and arguing and didn’t let many of the good acts finish.

There was a girl who dressed as the blue alien from Fifth Element and sang the opera from the movie, she won third place. Then a dude, who didn’t look like he could sing, totally did an awesome job and won second place. Then another dude, playing the banjo won first. It was a fun show and would be better just as a normal talent show.

We said good-bye to our new friend, talked to Jedi Snape and I went to meet Katy so we could go to the Sundial.

We went to the Sundial to pay a tribute to our late friend Michael Hill who had taken his life earlier this year. Two years ago at my first Dragon*Con, we had all gone to the Sundial, got a drink and just hung out looking at the view. It was a great time and we missed him terribly as we sat up there looking down on Atlanta.

I said my nearly tearful good-bye to Katy. She was heading home that day and I went to meet my group for dinner.

We headed back to Vortex, and then headed back to the hotel to pack up, exchange the last day’s pictures and just relax.

So the long weekend was finally over. It was a great time, saw lots of cool cosplay and spent time with those I don’t get to see too often.

The ride home was like the ride there, but with more bathroom breaks. We also stopped at Best Buy to get SUPERNATURAL SEASON 5 on DVD!

It was a fun trip. I can’t wait till next year!

I leave you with COSPLAY!

So that is that! All done. I’m debating on whether or not I’m going to make another video like I did last year. Last year was pretty darn epic and I don’t think I took enough pictures or video to make another one.

Well, you guys let me know if you want a video and I’ll try my best to throw one together.



pictures, movie reviews 2010, fandom, geekiness, dragon*con, tahirire is made of awesome!, omg!flail, friends

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