Quick Movie Review!

Jul 24, 2010 13:41

Hey! Here's my movie review for Inception. I'm still working on The Last Airbender and Predators!

Finally something original, it’s been so long since something has come into theaters that was both thought-provoking and interesting to watch. Inception was an amazing film.

The beginning starts with the introduction of our main character, Mr. Cobb. He washes up on a beach and sees two small children playing. He is then taken by some guards to see a very old man, who asks if he has come to kill him. We are also introduced to a small spinning top, which is one of the things Mr. Cobb had with him when he was found.

We jump to another scene where Mr. Cobb, is talking to a man named Saito about what an idea is. He compares it to a virus, how it starts small and then gets bigger and bigger infecting the whole body.

Soon we learn that Mr. Cobb and his associate Arthur are inside the dream of Saito. They are trying to steal some information from him, which he has buried in his subconscious.

Mr. Cobb and Arthur figure out that Saito knows this is a dream and realize they need to change their plan. Mr. Cobb realizes, Mal, his wife, had told Saito it was a dream.

They wake up in an apartment that supposedly belonged to Saito and his mistress. He refuses to give any information. He then realizes they are still dreaming.

Mr. Cobb and Arthur realize they need to abandon the job. They wake up from the dream within the dream on a train. They pack up and leave quickly, all going their separate ways.

The next part of the movie, we learn a bit more about Mr. Cobb and his family life. His wife is dead and he was accused of murdering her. He is hiding out overseas, trying to figure out a way to go home to his kids.

Soon Mr. Cobb is approached by Saito. He offers him a job to plant an idea in a man’s head, so he’ll overthrow his father’s business.

We learn that Mr. Cobb is the best at what he does, he has the ability to go into people’s dreams and steal things from them. He also can build whole words within the subconscious.

Mr. Cobb takes the job, seeing it as his ticket home. He then assembles his team.

This is a good chunk of the movie where we meet all the key players in this heist.

We have Ariadne who is the architect. She is supposed to build the world that the dreamers go in. It is supposed to be a maze.

Eames is the research guy, he finds out as much as he can about the target and is able to mimic one person that will be projected in the dream, so he can help spin certain ideas to the subconscious of the target.

Yusuf creates the sedative and other chemicals that are used to go into the dream world and keep both the dreamer and the target asleep while the heist is going on. He is also responsible for the kicks, that wake the dreamers up.

Mr. Cobb and Arthur along with these three individuals and Saito, all work together and plan the perfect time to go after their target.

Their target is Robert, the son of a man who owns a large company that could take over the world.

While all this planning is going on Ariadne tries to find out more about Mr. Cobb. We find out along with Ariadne, that he no longer can be an architect, because he can’t let go of his late wife. She continues to project herself in on every heist. He has a whole tower of memories that he continuously plays over and over, trying to keep Mal, alive. Ariadne tells him that he needs to stop holding onto Mal’s memory because he is putting himself and the whole team in danger.

We learn at the end of the film that Cobb didn’t intentionally kill his wife. She had committed suicide, because she could no longer distinguish between the dream world and reality. Time is different in the dream world. Cobb and Mal had created a whole universe and lived a whole lifetime together in a span of hours and Mal believed that it was true. We find out that Cobb planted the idea of her world not being real, which is what drove her to suicide. His guilt is why he can’t let her go.

Soon they begin the heist, which is a three level dream. The first level, they kidnap Robert and the man that Eames is supposed to mimic, Browning.

The second level, is in a hotel, this is where Mr. Cobb decides to pull a Mr. Charles, where he makes Robert aware that he is dreaming and forces Robert to fight against his own subconscious, thinking that Mr. Cobb is a projection of a guard, that is supposed to protect his mind from invaders, such as Mr. Cobb and his team.

He then turns the tables and makes Robert believe that Browning has a secret that he is keeping from him. He talks him into going into Browning’s dream, to figure out this secret. Robert believes they are going into Browning’s dream, but they are really going into the third level of his own dream.

In the third level, they have to fight their way to a fortress, where they are going to find Robert’s deepest secret and finally plant the idea, that will hopefully get their job done.

Along the way, Saito ends up getting injured and since they are so sedated and deep into the subconscious, he will go into Limbo if he dies and he will be lost forever.

At this final level, Mal appears and sabotages the whole job. Mr. Cobb and Ariadne have to go into limbo to find him so they can finish the job.

They do so and find out more about Mr. Cobb’s past in the process. Ariadne takes Robert, back and Cobb decides to find Saito like he promised.

Now we are back at the beginning of the film. Saito is the old man and he remembers his promise to Mr. Cobb.

We see Mr. Cobb and Saito wake from the dream and it’s all over. They were successful.

Mr. Cobb goes home and is welcomed by his father and his kids.

Now, here’s where things get a little annoying. We are told that each dreamer needs to have a totem, which only they know the feel and weight of. This totem helps them differ from reality and the dream, because it is possible to get lost. Mr. Cobb’s totem is a little spinning top. Whenever it stops spinning he is in reality, if it continues to spin, he knows he is dreaming.

At the very end he spins the top, it spins and spins and spins, and right when you think it is going to stop, the credits begin to roll.

I was thoroughly impressed with the originality of the story and the science behind what the dreamers do. It was very well thought out and the only thing I would have liked to know was HOW people found out they could do this, what was the training like and what are some other purposes for having this ability, could anyone learn it?

There was a lot to think about while watching this movie, so it is worth maybe two viewings. If you like to see a movie that makes you think, definitely check this one out.

I give Inception a 9 on the Dork-o-Meter.

I just had a thought, the whole point of that movie, was about Ideas and how ideas can change the world. What if Chris Nolan made this movie, to show Hollywood that it is okay to take a crazy idea like the concept of this movie and run with it, that originality is okay and that it is time to stop with all the remakes and based on movies?


Just a thought.

I must be off! Gonna be late for work!


movie reviews 2010

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